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College Drug Addiction Treatment 

Although the college environment is meant to promote learning, some students fall prey to the trap of drug and alcohol addiction due to a variety of reasons. 

Peer pressure, stress, newfound freedom, and experimentation are some of the risk factors of drug addiction in college.

And while drug use might seem harmless at first, the detrimental habit can gradually progress into chronic addiction, which, besides affecting schoolwork, can also lead to a reduced quality of life and even fatalities in case of overdoses. 

Fortunately, there are several addiction treatment options that can help college students overcome substance abuse. 

Read on to learn more about factors that lead to addiction, commonly abused drugs in colleges,  and some of the proven college drug addiction treatment methods. 

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The Main Causes of Drug Addiction In College

Peer Pressure: Students are more likely to experiment with drugs when in the company of addicted peers. And while some college students might stand firm and resist drugs, most lack the resolve and tend to give in to peer pressure in order to fit in.

Coping Mechanism: Once enrolled in colleges, students have to find ways to juggle responsibilities from coursework to internships, part-time jobs, and social obligations, which can lead to the abuse of drugs as a coping mechanism. 

Course Work: It’s no secret that college students mostly abuse prescription stimulants like adderall to enhance performance. The continuous abuse of performance-enhancing drugs eventually leads to addiction, which increases the chances of dropping out and abuse of other drugs. 

New Found Freedom: Some students feel the urge to experiment with drugs and alcohol as a way of exercising their newfound freedom. As a result, what started as a harmless habit gradually develops into an addiction that leads to physical dependence. 

Commonly Abused Drugs In College Setups


As reported by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 1 in 3 college students engages in binge drinking. 

And as one of the most accessible (and affordable) drugs for campus students, it’s no surprise that alcohol is frequently abused either for leisure or to cope with the pressures of campus life. 

Prescription Drugs

Unfortunately, a large number of college students use prescription drugs for non-medical reasons. 

Continuous usage of stimulants like adderall, ritalin, concerta, focalin, and dexedrine to enhance concentration can lead to dependence as they’re known to be highly addictive. 

Party Drugs 

Also known as club drugs, party drugs are recreational drugs frequently used by college students to stimulate the brain and are mostly associated with parties, raves, and nightclubs. 

Some of the commonly abused ‘party’ drugs include cocaine, MDMA, meth, inhalants, LSD, and ketamine


Benzodiazepines are prescription medications used to manage withdrawal symptoms, treat anxiety, relax muscles and induce sleep. 

Unfortunately, most drugs in this class are highly addictive, more so when used for the wrong purposes.

 Examples of commonly abused benzos include valium, xanax, ativan, and librium

Treatment Options for College Drug Addiction

The type of treatment suitable for college students mostly depends on the extent of addiction, as explained below. 

Counseling or Therapy

One of the best ways to treat a developing addiction problem is through counseling. Most colleges have robust in-house therapy programs and peer support groups that can help address substance abuse disorders before they get out of hand. 

Outpatient Program 

Outpatient rehab programs allow students to receive substance abuse treatment without interrupting classes. However, outpatient treatment is not for everyone as it works best for students that are yet to be fully dependent on drugs. 

Under an outpatient program, you’ll be attending regular sessions with your therapists while also participating in group and family therapy (depending on the treatment options provided by your preferred rehab).

We’d recommend this option if you’re yet to become fully addicted to drugs but want to curb the habit before it progresses further. 

Outpatient treatment will also work well if you’re transitioning from inpatient treatment but still want to receive professional assistance to reduce the chances of relapse. 

Inpatient Program 

Although most college students aren’t open to receiving inpatient treatment, it’s usually the most effective addiction treatment option for patients looking to achieve lifelong sobriety. 

Inpatient rehabs allow you to detach from environments that promote drug abuse.

Besides receiving round-the-clock medical support, you’re also likely to benefit from the sense of community that comes with inpatient rehabs. 

Moreover, inpatient rehabs offer a variety of services ranging from detox to schedule planning, nutritional support, and even aftercare planning. 

And while some inpatient programs last for 30-days, others can take as long as 90 days (or even more) depending on the patient’s needs. 

Is College Drug Addiction Treatment Necessary?

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College drug addiction treatment is necessary for students struggling with substance abuse to overcome the condition and reclaim their lives. 

While an outpatient addiction treatment program might work well for students in the early stages of drug dependence, inpatient rehabs will work best for long-term addicts that need round-the-clock professional support.  

College is hard enough on its own, and you don’t need to go through recovery alone. 

Get in touch with a licensed addiction treatment facility today to kickstart your journey to full recovery. 

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