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Category: Behaviors

Faith-Based Behavioral and Mental Health Rehab

Mental health issues are a growing concern throughout the US. As treatment centers expand their programs regarding substance abuse, many also now offer help and counseling for behavioral addiction and mental illness. For Christians who struggle with behavioral and mental health problems, the prospects of treatment are sometimes more daunting. People of faith often view …

Drug and Alcohol Addiction and Borderline Personality Disorder

Drug and alcohol addiction has plagued communities for decades and the problem gets worse each passing year. The problem is compounded in people who struggle with mental health issues like borderline personality disorder.  How do the two problems interact? What Is Borderline Personality Disorder? Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental health disorder alternately called …

Porn Addiction Treatment: Can You Get Help For It?

Porn addiction is considered a non-substance behavior, and therefore it is not listed in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – 5th Edition) manual or the ICD-11 (International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision). Nor has this alleged behavioral addiction been medically reviewed by the American Psychological Association or the American Psychiatric Association.  …

Drug and Alcohol Addiction and Bullying

Drugs and alcohol plague America’s youth. According to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics, 50% of teenagers have used drugs at least once. The problem is often compounded by bullying, which 20% of 12-18-year-olds experience at school. Does Bullying Cause Drug or Alcohol Addiction? Teenagers who abuse drugs and alcohol generally do so in …

Internet Addiction Treatment Information

Internet addiction is one of the most widespread problems in society today. Unlike drug and alcohol addiction, which are often called out for the troubles they impose on communities, few people talk about internet addiction because computers and smartphones are part of everyday life. What Is Internet Addiction? Internet addiction is a behavioral addiction characterized …

Does My Loved One Have A Behavioral Addiction?

Behavioral addictions are similar to drug or alcohol addictions in that dopamine and other neurotransmitters are released whenever a gratifying activity is undertaken.  And although ‘behaviors’ don’t lead to physical dependence like alcohol and other drugs, they can lead to addiction. This usually occurs when people engage in potentially destructive-yet gratifying- behavior to cope with …