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Category: Behaviors

Do I Have A Behavioral Addiction?

Addiction is a term commonly associated with physical dependence on mind-altering substances like alcohol, illicit drugs, prescription medications, and nicotine.  However, despite being the subject of unending debate, behavioral addictions are also common and can have serious, life-changing consequences if allowed to get out of hand.  While several experts are against labeling behavioral addictions as …

Consequences of Behavioral Addiction: Impulse Control Disorders

Behavioral addiction is a problem suffered by people with impulse control disorders. As with drug addictions, there are many negative consequences tied to behavioral addictions. What Is a Behavioral Addiction? Behavioral addictions are defined by the American Psychiatric Association as extreme involvement in specific activities, akin to drug addiction. A behavioral addiction, also known as …

Behavioral Addiction and Mental Health Counseling

A balanced set of work, social and personal activities are important for a person’s behavioral health. However, certain behaviors can be troubling. When people develop behavioral addictions, they lose sight of other important things in life. Common behavioral addictions include activities that cause excitement and euphoria, much like drugs and alcohol. Behavioral Addictions vs. Drug …

Behavioral Addiction and Mental Health Therapy

When ordinary and fun activities become compulsive, obsessive acts for certain individuals, it’s a behavioral addiction. While the negative consequences aren’t as severe as alcohol and drug abuse, behavioral addictions can ruin a person’s health, finances and relations. What are the different types of behavioral addictions and what forms of mental health therapy are used …

Addiction Support Groups: Drug/Alcohol Recovery

People struggling with drug and alcohol addiction have behavioral health disorders that need to be treated. At today’s treatment facilities, counselors host support groups that give patients the chance to grow and learn with one another. Addiction Support Groups At rehab centers throughout the US, group meetings are part of most addiction treatment programs. In …