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Category: Consequences of drinking

How Many Years Does Drinking Take Off Your Life? Alcohol Addiction and Life Expectancy

Drinking alcohol is a social activity that, if done in moderation, is benign at best. When people take their drinking habits too far, it can reduce their life expectancy. So how much is too much? Alcohol Consumption and Life Expectancy According to a 2016 Lancet study of 600,000 drinkers, those who consume 10-15 drinks per …

Does Drinking Cause Brain Damage?

Drinking alcohol is an adult recreational pastime with no health benefits. If consumed in excess, alcohol can ravage the brain and body. Some people get hooked on the buzz and drink to the point of alcohol addiction. Gradually, this can change the drinker’s entire personality. Short-term Effects of Alcohol Alcohol goes straight to the brain …

DUI: Drunk Driving Offenders

DUI (driving under the influence) is a roadside infraction that occurs when a driver’s blood alcohol concentration exceeds the legal limit for operating a motor vehicle. Impaired driving is a huge danger on North America’s roads and highways. Each year, approximately 1.5 million drivers are arrested in the US for being under the influence of …