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Alcohol Addiction Treatment For Professionals

Alcohol use disorder does not discriminate and can affect people in professional positions, from lawyers to business executives, healthcare practitioners, pilots, members of the armed forces, and even clergymen and women. 

And since professionals have great responsibilities towards the community, some turn to alcohol to cope with day-to-day stresses, which can gradually lead to underperformance and, even worse, full-blown addiction! 

Fortunately, there are several addiction treatment programs available for professionals struggling with alcohol addiction, as explained below. 

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Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient rehab is the best treatment option for professionals seeking alcohol addiction treatment. 

Detox is usually the first step when treating alcohol use disorder in an inpatient facility. 

The procedure involves the removal of alcohol from your body under the guidance of licensed practitioners, who monitor your body to manage any withdrawal symptoms that might occur. 

Once done with detox, your doctor will work with you to create a treatment plan that will suit your unique treatment needs as a professional. 

Inpatient treatment programs for professionals tend to vary from rehab to rehab.

Some rehabs offer executive programs that allow professionals to perform their work tasks while receiving treatment (although in a controlled manner), while others focus strictly on rehabilitation.  

Moreover, it’s not uncommon to find inpatient rehabs with campuses that cater exclusively to the treatment needs of professionals. Such rehabs are ideal for professionals working in sensitive industries as they help create a supportive, non-judgmental environment suitable for alcohol rehabilitation. 

Most inpatient rehabs will address back-to-work issues such as:

  • Career restoration 
  • Continuing care 
  • Documentation required at discharge (for a referring institution)
  • Participation in monitoring and recovery programs 
  • Licensing and disciplinary issues 
  • Reputation and professional practice

Outpatient Rehab

Professionals can also receive alcohol addiction treatment by enrolling in outpatient clinics

Unlike inpatient programs where patients must reside at the facility while receiving treatment, outpatient programs allow members to return home after attending therapy sessions. 

Outpatient rehab can work well for professionals that are yet to become fully dependent on alcohol or those capable of overcoming cravings and triggers. 

Your doctor might prescribe medications like acamprosate, naltrexone, and disulfiram to help ease alcohol cravings while you continue to receive individual and group therapy. 

For best outcomes, however, outpatient rehab works best when used as a step down from inpatient treatment. 

Your doctor might recommend stepping down from inpatient treatment to a partial hospitalization program before transitioning to an intensive outpatient program and finally a normal outpatient program, depending on your treatment needs. 

Can You Get Fired For Seeking Addiction Treatment?

Most professionals don’t consider inpatient rehab as an option due to the fear of demotion or being laid off. The good news, however, is that the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) protects professionals in need of addiction treatment. 

As per the FMLA, employees can apply for time off to receive treatment for alcoholism or any other types of substance use disorders for up to 12 weeks without the risk of being fired or demoted. 

Is Alcohol Addiction Treatment For Professionals Necessary?

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Don't go through the process of recovery alone. There are people who can help you with the struggle you're facing. Get in touch with one today.

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It’s normal for professionals to become overwhelmed by their day-to-day tasks. However, resorting to alcohol as a coping mechanism can do more harm than good, especially if binge drinking becomes a habit. 

Therefore, if you believe that alcohol is interfering with your ability (or that of a loved one) to perform work-related roles, seeking addiction treatment might be the best option. 

Contact a licensed drug and alcohol rehab to seek treatment today before the problem gets out of hand. 

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