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Tylox Addiction Treatment

Tylox is a well-known combination medication used to treat moderate to severe pain. Each Tylox pill contains 5mg oxycodone and 500 mg acetaminophen.  

While oxycodone relieves severe pain, acetaminophen takes a supportive role by enhancing oxycodone’s effects. These two drugs are usually compounded to form Tylox to minimize their individual side effects. 

And as a narcotic, oxycodone has similar addictive properties as opium, morphine, and heroin. This means that abuse or misuse can easily lead to dependency and eventually full-blown addiction! 

Read on to learn more about Tylox, signs of addiction, withdrawal symptoms, and ways to treat the substance abuse disorder before it gets out of hand. 

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Is Tylox Addictive? 

Like most prescription opioids, Tylox can become highly addictive if not taken with care. This explains why patients should strictly adhere to a doctor’s instructions. 

The drug works by binding to opioid receptors on brain cells and other organs involved in feelings of pleasure and pain. The resulting euphoria and numbing of pain can subconsciously reinforce the usage of the drug, which increases the chances of dependence. 

While the chances of Tylox addiction are high, you can avoid dependence by using the drug as per the doctor’s advice. 

Tylox is mostly crushed and snorted by abusers. However, some may prefer to melt the tablets and inject the residues. 

Signs of Tylox Addiction

Tylox addiction often starts gradually and can become full-blown drug addiction within a month of abuse (depending on the extent). 

As a result, you (or a loved one) should always be careful when using the drug, especially since it’s meant for short-term usage. 

Some of the main signs of Tylox addiction include:

  • Cravings even when not in need 
  • Crushing or melting the drug 
  • Seeking unnecessary prescriptions from your doctor 
  • Disregard of doctor’s usage recommendations
  • Physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms 
  • Switch to illegal substances with similar effects

It’s worth noting that an individual addicted to Tylox will almost certainly resort to other drugs when unable to obtain a prescription. This increases the chances of addiction to other pain relievers and even other drugs such as heroin. 

Tylox addiction can lead to serious consequences such as unemployment, disorientation, confusion, and in extreme situations, respiratory distress and liver damage! 

Tylox Withdrawal Symptoms

Tylox withdrawal symptoms usually vary depending on the extent of addiction. Chronic addicts tend to exhibit severe symptoms, while those who are yet to become extremely dependent often experience mild symptoms. 

Some of the common Tylox withdrawal symptoms include: 

  • Sweating and chills 
  • Fevers 
  • Muscular spasms 
  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Paranoia
  • Anxiety attacks 

Tylox Addiction Treatment 

As a good rule of thumb, you should be on high alert if Tylox is prescribed as a pain reliever for your loved one. Keep a close eye on their behavior and, if possible, monitor their usage patterns to prevent or detect drug abuse as it starts. 

Similar to other substance use disorders, Tylox addiction is best treated as early as possible. The first step of Tylox addiction treatment is usually detox, which should be done under medical supervision. 

And since some withdrawal symptoms like anxiety attacks, paranoia, and vomiting can become severe, it’s highly advisable to detox at a licensed rehab where a doctor can prescribe suitable medications to help manage the symptoms. 

Once done with detox, your doctor will recommend either outpatient or inpatient programs, which will help treat underlying issues through individual and group therapy. 

Outpatient Treatment 

Outpatient rehab is a program that allows you to receive Tylox addiction treatment at the comfort of your home without uprooting your life. This form of treatment is not ideal for everyone and usually works best for people who are yet to develop a physical dependence on Tylox. 

Under this program, patients get to participate in personal and group therapy, which is vital in preventing relapses. 

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient program is a more intense type of addiction treatment that requires patients to reside in a rehab facility. This program is highly recommended for people that have struggled with Tylox addiction for several months to years as they need intense care to overcome the disorder. 

Moreover, inpatient rehab also works well for people addicted to other types of drugs, or those with underlying mental health issues. 

In addition to receiving 24/7 care in a regulated environment, you (or a loved one) will also get to benefit from a variety of experiential therapies that promote holistic healing. 

The combination of behavioral and experiential therapies helps make treatment more effective, especially for patients battling chronic addiction. 

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Don't go through the process of recovery alone. There are people who can help you with the struggle you're facing. Get in touch with one today.

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Is Tylox Addiction Treatment Necessary? 

Tylox addiction treatment is necessary and should be prioritized to avoid dealing with a full-blown addiction. 

Unfortunately, similar to other prescription medications, addicts often resort to illegal drugs like heroin once their Tylox supply runs out. 

To prevent adverse outcomes, you should seek professional substance abuse treatment once the signs of Tylox addiction become apparent. 

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