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Tylox Addiction Treatment

Tylox is a brand name for oxycodone, a pain-relief medication prescribed to patients with acute pain. Tylox is prescribed in capsule form. It takes effect quickly once ingested and lasts for up to six hours. Other brands of oxycodone include Roxicodone and OxyContin. 

Tylox is available only by a doctor’s prescription. As a Schedule II substance, it can not be sold over-the-counter in the United States. Tylox is only meant to be taken for short periods as a pain reliever. It is highly addictive and users can develop a tolerance for the drug. Doctors generally recommend that users take Tylox no more than once every 12 hours.

Tylox was abused as a recreational drug by people who obtained it through illegal means. The drug causes euphoric effects, which attracts some of the same users as heroin. 

In 2012, the Canadian government stepped down on OxyContin, which made the distribution of oxycodone more difficult throughout North America. Since that time, cities have become plagued by harder drugs like fentanyl, a depressant with 50-times the power of heroin.

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Why Do People Take Tylox?

Patients take Tylox for relief of moderate and severe pain. Doctors prescribe the medication on an as-needed basis to patients with acute pain. It should not be used more than once every six hours though some people exceed the recommended dose and develop Tylox addiction. Some people abuse Tylox for recreational purposes. 

  • Pain relief – Tylox causes bodily numbness that relieves pain for up to six hours. The numbness factor is described as euphoric by users of the drug. Therefore, the drug attracts recreational users who seek downer effects in their drugs of choice. Tylox is used as an alternative to heroin and fentanyl by people with access to the drug.
  • Anxiolysis – As a depressant, Tylox relieves anxiety, a common side effect of pain. Patients who get anxious about oncoming pain take Tylox every 6-12 hours to prevent the onset of both. People who abuse Tylox are attracted to its effects as a mellow drug. Users with stressful jobs or domestic situations take Tylox to forget their worries.
  • Euphoria – Tylox is a nerve-calming drug that induces euphoria in a similar (though less toxic) way as heroin and fentanyl. Users mellow out on Tylox in a carefree state. It’s an attractive drug to people struggling with heartbreak, grief, financial worries and unemployment. Users are less inhibited on Tylox.
  • Relaxation – The mellowing effects of Tylox make it work as a sleeping aid for some users. People who have trouble resting due to pain or stress can unwind comfortably on Tylox. This helps users get the rest they need, when they need it, and feel more rejuvenated in the daytime. People who abuse Tylox may suffer ongoing fatigue.

Tylox is addictive because, as an opioid, oxycodone stimulates the brain’s reward center and alters the flow of pleasure signals throughout the body. When taken in small doses, it can help people overcome pain. If abused, the body becomes tolerant of Tylox, which renders it ineffective unless the user increases each dose, which leads to organ and brain damage.

Tylox Side Effects

Tylox has side effects that mostly pass once the body acclimates to the medication under proper use. In rare cases, Tylox has more serious side effects. People who abuse Tylox experience serious effects regularly. The effects include:

  • Digestive problems – Tylox can make it more difficult to digest food properly. Food might linger in the stomach longer before passing through the intestines. Some users experience bloating and constipation. This can make Tylox uncomfortable for heavy eaters, who sometimes use antacids to offset the problem.
  • Respiratory depression – Tylox is a depressant that slows the heart and respiratory system. This makes it dangerous to mix Tylox with harder depressants like alcohol, heroin and fentanyl. Doing so could make it difficult to breathe and slow the heart to a stop. It’s also dangerous to mix Tylox with stimulants, which cause contradictory effects.
  • Laziness – Tylox works as a sedative, which isn’t always the desired effect among users. People who take Tylox in the afternoon could feel an energy lull in the second half of their workday. Some users give in and take naps at bad hours. This can throw off people’s body clocks and make it more difficult to sleep and be awake when needed.
  • Dizziness – Tylox causes dizziness in some users due to the drug’s sedative effects, which can cause confusion and a lack of balance. This can make Tylox a dangerous medication to take before operating a motor vehicle or partying on bridges or rooftops. If combined with a few alcoholic drinks, this could diminish judgment and cause nausea.
  • Itching – Tylox causes itchiness on some users. Oxycodone products and other medicines sometimes cause dry skin that causes users to itch in certain areas of the body. This could be due to a mild allergic reaction to certain properties in the medication. The problem is worse for people who abuse Tylox and mix it with other recreational drugs.
  • Dry mouth – A less common but annoying side effect of Tylox is dry mouth. A user might sip beverages in normal quantities yet still have a cottonmouth feel. Tylox users should drink plenty of water during the day to avoid this problem. Water helps clear the body of toxins and results in better health and energy overall, regardless of Tylox.
  • Sweats – Tyles users who experience some of the other undesired side effects (dry mouth, itching) might also have cold sweats in certain parts of the body (underarms, palms, inner thighs). This could be a symptom of nausea triggered by certain properties in oxycodone. Users who suddenly stop taking Tylox may also have sweats as a withdrawal symptom.

The most common side effect of Tylox is constipation, which usually ends after the user takes the medication regularly for one week. The other symptoms are rare. However, people with allergies to codeine medication might not respond well to Tylox or other oxycodone brands.

Tylox Withdrawal Symptoms

People who abuse Tylox or use it as a recreational drug typically suffer withdrawal symptoms when they cease use of the medication. If a person with a Tylox prescription exceeds the daily dose recommendations and takes a capsule every 2-4 hours, that would qualify as Tylox abuse. People with no prescription who take it randomly as a euphoric drug would also qualify. 

  • Anxiety – People who take Tylox as a treatment medication for anxiety will likely have newfound symptoms if they abruptly halt their use of the medication. People who abuse Tylox for anti-anxiety purposes are bound to feel a twofold surge of anxiety once they go off the drug. At this point, the nervous system has become overly reliant on Tylox. A cold turkey withdrawal will shock the system.
  • Panic attack – During Tylox withdrawal, people with anxiety might also suffer panic attacks. Without the downer effects of oxycodone, the heart will start beating faster. Anxious people could have irregularly fast, pounding heartbeats and difficulty breathing. Other symptoms (nausea, dizziness, sweats, chest pain) play into this.
  • Nausea – Sudden withdrawal can make the body feel nauseous. The body grows accustomed to opioid drugs, which have an ongoing numbing effect on the body. Once the person stops using Tylox, the body feels disoriented by the sudden lack of oxycodone. The user might feel dizzy, ill and have headaches while adjusting to a Tylox-free life.
  • Insomnia – As withdrawal symptoms kick in, some people struggle with sleeping problems. Those who rely on Tylox for its sedative effects could suddenly find themselves with insomnia during withdrawal. The other side effects (anxiety, stress) make it difficult to sleep. This can also interrupt sleep patterns and make it difficult to stay awake in the day.
  • Muscle stress – A common symptom of Tylox withdrawal is muscle stress in the upper and lower extremities. This is part of the anxiety that accompanies a sudden loss of a favored substance. The stress can make it difficult to sleep. Muscle pain correlates to other symptoms like irritability, fear, sweats and depression.
  • Muscle weakness – A symptom that accompanies muscle stress is weakness, which renders the arms and legs nonoptimal. The recovering Tylox user might find it hard to lift objects or climb stairs. This can make it difficult to work or do chores as Tylox clears the system. During withdrawal, some people simply lie down and wait for the symptoms to pass. 
  • Fevers – Tylox withdrawal is often accompanied by nausea, which might co-occur with high body temperature. Feverish symptoms may persist for a couple of days as Tylox clears the body. To get past this phase, it’s best to drink plenty of water before and after withdrawal. Water helps clear the system and reduce body temperature internally.
  • Flu-like symptoms – People who experience fevers during Tylox withdrawal might also have flu symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting. It might be difficult to hold anything down or digest it properly for a day or two. As with body temperature, water is the best natural remedy for flu symptoms because it clears the impurities from the body faster during recovery.

Tylox withdrawal is a difficult yet crucial first stage on the road to recovery. When users go Tylox-free overnight, it shocks the body and leads to several days of discomfort. For a smoother transition, it’s better to slowly wean off the medication over a two- or three-week period. 

For example, a user who takes three a day could lower the dose to two for a week, then one for another week before going off Tylox.

Tylox Addiction Treatment Programs

Tylox addiction is not a listed category at drug treatment centers. However, most treatment centers offer help for people struggling with addiction to oxycodone brands and other prescription painkillers. Rehab follows a structure that helps patients overcome drug dependency and achieve a lasting sober lifestyle. Drug treatment goes as follows:

  • Detox – When Tylox users first enter a drug treatment facility, they undergo detox. This usually takes 2–3 days as Tylox clears from the system. On the second and third days, cravings peak and the recovering user typically experiences withdrawal symptoms like nausea, muscle pain and headaches. The nursing staff assists each patient 24/7.
  • Inpatient care – After Tylox detox, patients usually enter a residential treatment program at a rehab center. Residential programs typically last 30–90 days and consist of daily wellness activities, experiential therapy, private counseling, group meetings and daily tasks. Most programs offer family therapy to help patients and loved ones mend communication gaps.
  • Outpatient services – An alternative to residential inpatient treatment is outpatient, where recovering Tylox users attend daytime meetings at a rehab facility. Outpatient services cover the same material as residential programs (experiential therapy, individual and group counseling, wellness exercises) but the patient lives at home for the duration of treatment.
  • Aftercare – Once the patient completes Tylox rehab, he/she might need help transitioning back to society and finding work and/or housing. Some treatment centers offer assistance on this quest by linking patients with job-placement programs and openings in sober-living homes. Most centers offer ongoing advice and aftercare meetings for continued encouragement.

Tylox addiction treatment is a two-way process between the patient and the rehab staff. For the patient, it’s a commitment to a sober life free of opioids and other drugs. At the treatment center, it’s the responsibility of staff to give each patient the care and attention he/she needs to complete the program with maximum results.

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Get Help for Tylox Addiction

People can get addicted to Tylox and other pain-relief and anti-anxiety medications. As tolerance sets in, people often overuse these medications. That’s when addiction takes hold. It’s not healthy to take opioids at excessive levels. Doing so can slow the heart and respiratory system and lead to fatal strokes and heart attacks.

If someone you know struggles with Tylox addiction, get that person the help he/she needs. Call the nearby treatment centers and ask about their programs and financing options. Your call could make a big, positive difference in someone’s life.

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