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Stimulant Addiction Treatment

Stimulants work by increasing overall energy levels, alertness, and attention. While stimulants like Ritalin and Adderall are FDA-approved for treating some mental health conditions, recreational versions such as methamphetamine and cocaine are illegal. 

Consistent abuse of prescription (and illegal) stimulants can lead to destructive behavior and, even worse, prove fatal in case of an overdose. 

But can stimulant addiction be treated? 

With the right support from loved ones and licensed professionals, it is possible to treat and overcome stimulant addiction. The treatment process usually starts with detox and involves continuous therapies( both group and individual) until the patient is stable enough to maintain sobriety. 

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at stimulant addiction and examine some of the common treatment methods.

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What Are The Main Types Of Stimulants?

Also called ‘uppers’ by some, stimulants are a diverse group of drugs commonly abused due to their euphoric and performance-enhancing effects. These drugs work by speeding up physical and mental processes, consequently producing desirable short-term effects. 

And while the short-term ‘high’ might make one feel like the life of the party, things tend to go downhill pretty fast after the effects wear out. 

Repeated abuse of stimulants leads to increased tolerance, meaning you’ll need to consume more to achieve a desirable ‘high.’ This significantly increases the chances of an overdose, which can lead to fatal outcomes. 

Let’s take a quick look at some of the commonly abused types of stimulants. 


Cocaine is among the most commonly abused stimulants globally. Made from (and named after) the coca plant, cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant that comes either in powdered form or as crystallized rocks (crack). 

Powdered cocaine is ingested via snorting, while crack cocaine is usually smoked

Besides being used as a standalone drug, cocaine is also commonly used with other drugs like alcohol and even heroin. Mixing cocaine with other drugs is a risky affair that increases the chances of overdose by up to 40%.  


Commonly known as meth, methamphetamine is a commonly abused stimulant that comes in powder and crystal form. The stimulant can be used in several ways, from snorting to smoking and even injections

While meth is beloved for its instant euphoria, it usually leads to negative emotions– mostly fear and anger– after the high comes to an end. 


Popularly known as molly or ecstasy is a synthetic stimulant usually sold as a tablet. The drug causes stimulant and hallucinogenic effects and is commonly used by young adults looking to party all night. 

The effects of MDMA usually last between 4-6 hours, depending on the tablet’s potency. Some common side effects of the drug include blurred vision, muscle tension, tremors, sweating, rapid eye movement, paranoia, confusion, and anxiety

Excessive abuse of Molly increases the risk of dehydration, hyperthermia (excessively high fever), and even kidney or heart failure. 

Prescription Stimulants

Although mostly used to treat Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), prescription stimulants have become increasingly abused in recent years. 

Prescription stimulants like adderall, ritalin, concerta, and dexedrine work as cognitive enhancers that help improve overall focus. The focus-enhancing effects of these drugs earned them the title ‘study drugs,’ making them popular to people that need to focus for a prolonged period. 

However, despite their ability to increase concentration, prescription stimulants are habit-forming and can lead to addiction over time. 

Ways To Treat Stimulant Addiction 


Detox is usually the first step of treating different kinds of addiction. Detox helps rid the body of stimulants and can last for days to a week, depending on the severity of the addiction. 

Some of the common withdrawal symptoms of stimulant use disorder include: 

  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue 
  • Irritability 
  • Headaches 
  • Intense cravings 
  • Restlessness
  • Aggression 

While the withdrawal symptoms of stimulant use disorder aren’t as severe as those of other drugs, it’s still crucial to detox at a licensed facility where you’ll receive round-the-clock monitoring in case of any complications. 

Quitting stimulants cold-turkey rarely yields sustainable outcomes as people tend to relapse once the withdrawal symptoms like irritability, insomnia, and cravings kick in. 

Inpatient Rehab

The best way to treat stimulant addiction is through inpatient rehab, as besides providing detox services, these facilities also offer psychotherapy and experiential therapy services that allow for holistic recovery. 

When enrolled in an inpatient program, you (or a loved one) will stay at the facility for a predetermined amount of time, usually between 30-90 days. However, patients can stay for longer as most leading rehabs tailor treatment to suit patients’ unique needs. 

Once you’ve completed detox, the assigned doctor will develop a suitable treatment plan involving a blend of individual and group therapies. 

Your therapist is likely to use a variety of behavioral therapies, from cognitive behavioral therapy to contingency management and motivational interviewing, depending on your treatment needs. 

Outpatient Rehab

Another way to treat stimulant addiction is through outpatient rehab. Outpatient treatment is less intense than inpatient rehab and allows patients to receive treatment while residing at home. 

While this method is also effective, it is not recommended for people in the early phases of addiction treatment due to the lack of consistent monitoring. 

The lack of regular supervision increases the chances of relapse once cravings kick in, more so due to the easy availability of both prescription and illegal stimulants. 

Is Stimulant Addiction Treatment Necessary? 

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Stimulant addiction treatment is crucial if you (or a loved one) want to recover fully from addiction. 

While detox might rid your body of stimulants, therapy is important to help you overcome cravings, change negative thought patterns, and develop positive coping mechanisms. 

Inpatient addiction treatment is highly recommended due to the intensity of treatment and use of a wide variety of therapies. But outpatient treatment can also work well if the stimulant problem is yet to become an addiction or for patients looking to transition from inpatient treatment. 

Contact a treatment center today to learn about the best way to treat stimulant addiction and reclaim your life. 

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