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Recovery Slogans and Sayings (Inhalant Slogans)

Usually, recovery rooms have countless recovery slogans placed on the walls. Although they may seem simple, they often have a deeper meaning derived from recovery literature. Most of these slogans were written by people who found a way to overcome addiction many years ago. Today, we will share some of these slogans and their meanings and hopefully encourage you on your sobriety journey.

#1 – Progress Not Perfection

It is derived directly from the Big Book and it is often read to start off meetings. It’s easy to be overwhelmed with the spiritual principles when you read through the recovery literature steps. This slogan reminds recoveries to take small progressive steps to attain perfection. It’s usually followed by the “we are not saints” quote. Rather than spiritual perfection, we should claim spiritual progress.

#2 – Faith without Action Is Dead

Well, this is a common slogan that also appears in the Big Book. It reminds us that simply thinking about your addiction problem without doing anything will not change things. Instead, we’re encouraged to take effective steps towards overcoming our problem. This slogan is often accompanied by an example of a man sitting in a closet praying for food. He can pray all day. But, if he doesn’t put any action behind his prayer, he’ll for sure starve.

#3 – You Can’t Turn a Pickle Bar into a Cucumber

This slogan reminds individuals the importance of acceptance. It’s a reminder that addiction or alcoholism is a chronic condition that one will face for the duration of their lives. Therefore, to deal with it best, one must first accept that they have this problem. We cannot solve this issue if we’re living in denial. But, as this saying teaches us, we should deal with it on a day to day basis.

#4 – Nothing Changes Is Nothing Changes

As simple as this slogan is, it is very powerful. In addiction and recovery, individuals usually know what changes they should make in their lives to heal. This slogan reminds them that simply because one is aware of what needs to change, that’s not enough to bring the change. So, they must take proper actions.

#5 – Just for Today/One Day at a Time

We’re reminded by this slogan that the recovery process takes time. It also reminds patients that they’ll achieve their goals in “God’s time” and not on their own time. It is simply an encouragement that we appreciate the small steps we’ve taken and not to overburden ourselves trying to solve everything at once.

#6 – Keep It Simple, Stupid!

You’ll find it painted on fellowship rooms or treatment centers. It reminds one not to make the recovery program more complicated than it has to be. Recovery mostly involves three things: attend meetings, get support from your sponsor, and help another addict towards sobriety.

#7 – Principles before Personalities

Recovery has people from all walks of life. Addiction/alcoholism isn’t specific to a particular race, age, gender, or class. Therefore, there are all groups of people in recovery treatment. Principles before personalities comes from the 12th Tradition and it’s a reminder that people should uphold the recovery principles and not resentments that may arise with personalities in treatment rooms.

#8 – First Things First

Mostly, when a person decides to seek recovery treatment, they are at a point where their life is in total turmoil as a result of their addiction. First things first reminds them that to fix these other problems, they must first solve the main issue which is substance abuse.

#9 – This Too Shall Pass

Often, during the first times of early sobriety, one has many cravings and obsessions which can make their recovery journey difficult. But, this slogan reminds them that such thoughts, as intense as they are, are only fleeting.

#10 – Easy Does It

Many people enter recovery with their lives in shambles. Easy does it is a reminder that while we want to fix every mistake, we should take things slow. Instead of righting every wrong once, let’s build our lives piece by piece.

Recovery Slogans, Final Thoughts

Rehab slogans are mostly used in recovery to encourage patients. One way you can benefit from them is by writing down all your favorite slogans on separate pieces of paper, put them in a box and read them every morning. No matter the slogan you pick, ensure that you practice it to your best ability. Other slogans include Live and Let Live, Let Go and Let God, Time Takes Time, Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude, Live Life on Life’s Terms, etc.

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