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Marijuana Addiction Treatment

The National Institute on Drug Abuse ranks marijuana as the most commonly abused illegal drug in the US. 

The depressant contains delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a psychoactive chemical responsible for the ‘high’ users experience upon ingestion. 

Marijuana abuse often starts as an occasional habit before gradually transforming into a grappling addiction with lifelong consequences.

But is Marijuana addiction treatable? And if so, then how? 

Marijuana addiction is treatable through inpatient and outpatient treatment programs. After detox, your addiction treatment provider will use a combination of therapies to help you (or a loved one) heal holistically and maintain lifelong sobriety.

Read on for an in-depth analysis of marijuana addiction and its treatment.

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Is Marijuana Addictive?

Marijuana is addictive and is ranked by the CDC as one of the hardest substances to quit. A recent CDC study estimated that 3 in 10 people that use marijuana might have mild or chronic cannabis use disorder.

Even worse, people who start using marijuana before turning 18 are 7 times likelier to develop Marijuana use disorder compared to adults. 

Marijuana addiction develops gradually as a user’s brain adapts and becomes increasingly tolerant to delta-9 THC, the psychoactive compound found in cannabis.

 Users developing a dependency find that they need higher doses to experience a desired ‘high.’ 

Signs of Marijuana Addiction

Most people with marijuana use disorder tend to downplay the addiction, often insisting they aren’t dependent on the drug.

Here are some of the signs of marijuana addiction you should be on the lookout for: 

Cravings: One of the major symptoms of marijuana addiction is insatiable cravings. Addicts, more often than not, crave a steady supply of the drug and will either smoke or consume edibles to maintain a constant high. 

Overdependence: People with marijuana use disorder will struggle to overcome an unhealthy dependence on the drug. Addicts will continue using the drug despite its negative effects like procrastination, truancy and strained relationships. 

Increased tolerance: You’ll know your marijuana usage is gradually morphing into an addiction if you need higher doses or must smoke or consume more of the drug to achieve a desirable high.  

Withdrawal symptoms: Another sign of marijuana use disorder is experiencing mild to severe withdrawal symptoms whenever your supply runs out. Common withdrawal symptoms include irritability, insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, decreased appetite, and depressed mood.

Reduced life quality: Once you develop chronic addiction, chances are you’ll lose track of your priorities at the expense of cannabis. You’ll end up spending most of your day seeking, using, and recovering from the drug, effectively rendering your entire day useless from a productivity point of view. 

Marijuana Addiction Treatment 

Outpatient Treatment 

Enrolling in an outpatient rehab is an ideal way to kick-start recovery from marijuana addiction.

Your physician will conduct a thorough review to determine the extent of your addiction before recommending a suitable approach to treatment. 

You’ll then be expected to attend regular therapy sessions as you continue with recovery. 

Perhaps the greatest advantage of an outpatient program is its convenience, as you’ll be returning home after attending your scheduled sessions. This allows you to maintain your school or work schedules while receiving treatment. 

But despite the convenience that comes with outpatient treatment, this program may not be suitable if you’ve had a long-term struggle with marijuana addiction. 

For long-term addiction, it’s best to enroll in an inpatient addiction treatment program as you’ll recover in an accommodating environment that limits your access to marijuana. 

Outpatient treatment will work best if you want to cut down your marijuana usage or receive professional treatment for mild marijuana abuse before it gets out of hand. 

Inpatient Treatment 

Inpatient programs are highly recommended for treating a variety of addictions, including long-term marijuana use disorder. 

In an inpatient treatment facility, you’ll receive round-the-clock support from a multidisciplinary team of licensed medical professionals, which boosts your chance of holistic recovery. 

Inpatient rehabs also allow you to detach from your immediate environment full of triggers, effectively reducing the chances of relapses. 

Most inpatient rehabs use behavioral therapy to address underlying issues and treat marijuana addiction. You’ll benefit from a rich blend of individual and group therapies. 

Experiential therapies like yoga, art and music, hiking, equine therapy, and meditation are commonly used in inpatient rehabs. These therapies help re-establish a much-needed balance between the mind, soul, and body, thereby promoting holistic healing. 

Support Groups 

Although support groups don’t play a direct role in treating marijuana addiction, they are crucial to helping members maintain sobriety. 

Support groups like SMART recovery and Marijuana Anonymous create compassionate and highly accommodating environments for people in recovery to support, advise and challenge one another. 

Are There Any Medications To Treat Marijuana Addiction?

There are no specific FDA-approved medications used to treat marijuana use disorder. And since marijuana’s withdrawal side effects aren’t as severe as other drugs, they can be managed by regular pain killers, depending on a physician’s assessment. 

Is Marijuana Addiction Treatment Necessary?

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Don't go through the process of recovery alone. There are people who can help you with the struggle you're facing. Get in touch with one today.

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Marijuana addiction treatment is necessary for people that want to overcome the substance abuse disorder and reduce the chances of relapse. 

As one of the most available drugs, marijuana can prove a challenge to quit, which increases the chances of chronic addiction if not addressed early enough. 

If you’ve noticed a spike in your marijuana usage levels, then it might be best to enroll in an outpatient treatment program to have the disorder treated before it gets out of hand. 

But for serious or long-term marijuana dependence cases, enrolling in inpatient facilities is highly recommended. 

Contact a licensed rehab facility today to learn more about marijuana addiction and some of the best ways to treat the condition. 

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