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Christian Alcohol Treatment: Faith-Based Rehab

For people of faith, there’s often shame attached to the need for alcohol rehab. Fortunately, faith-based centers, such as Christian alcohol treatment centers, have emerged across the US for people struggling with alcohol use disorder.

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Traditional vs. Faith-based Rehab

Rehab is a crucial yet difficult step for a lot of people who haven’t come to terms with their alcohol problem. People of all creeds go through denial and avoidance when faced with the issue. For people engaged in religious practices, the issue cuts deeper in many cases.

People with solid Christian values sometimes balk at the notion of alcohol rehab. To a lot of people both in and outside the faith community, drug and alcohol addiction are seen as moral failings. Christian alcohol dependents often consider the problem a case of personal weakness.

The fact is, people of all faiths and creeds are vulnerable to addictive behavior. In faith-based rehab, people get the support they need to overcome the problem with the love and understanding of like-minded individuals in the faith community.

According to 2021 Pew Research, 63% of the US population identifies as Christian. Meanwhile, according to 2019 stats from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 25. 8 percent of US adults aged 18 and over have engaged in heavy drinking and binge drinking. Inevitably, these numbers have some overlap.

Addiction is a mental and physical dependency that isn’t regulated by willpower alone. No one, regardless of creed, has the power to control the problem or make it disappear. What people can control is whether or not they’ll face the problem and seek treatment at a rehab center.

Faith-Based Recovery Features

Faith-based alcohol treatment addresses the patient’s faith with a combination of recovery methods from religious and secular modalities. On one hand, the treatment focuses on the patient’s spiritual needs by stressing a connection to a higher power. The treatment also utilizes today’s cutting-edge therapeutic methods, such as cognitive behavioral therapy.

A faith-based addiction treatment program will generally include the following:

  • Alcohol detox – Christian addiction treatment programs start with detox, where the person stops drinking and commits to sobriety. The first three days of detox are challenging due to cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Detox should always be done under the supervision of treatment center staff.
  • Supervised medication – During detox and recovery, doctors may administer anti-addiction medication to help the patient overcome alcohol cravings. During withdrawal, symptoms may include headaches, nausea, cramps, depression and irritability. Medication can help the patient get beyond this stage and onward to full recovery.
  • Individual therapy – A key component of faith-based treatment is therapy, where the patient discusses his/her struggles with a seasoned counselor who understands alcohol use disorder. The two parties discuss the patient’s background and struggle with alcohol and use this info to customize the best course of treatment.
  • Group meetings – Another vital part of the recovery process is group therapy, where patients come together to share their stories in a mutually supportive setting. This gives patients the chance to open up about their struggles, insights and triumphs. It assures people of faith that they’re not alone on this journey.
  • Life skills training – The centerpiece of a faith-based program is basic wellness education, where patients learn vital life skills and coping mechanisms. People who abuse alcohol often lack sufficient coping skills for the hard knocks of living and use booze as a crutch. This teaches patients healthier, more positive ways to handle challenges. 

The typical Christian-based rehab program is similar to Alcoholics Anonymous, including its use of the classic 12-step recovery model, which helps patients lead more structured, productive and disciplined lives. Faith-based rehab also uses biblical principles as guides to a more fulfilling and sober life.

The Benefits of Faith-Based Rehab

Faith-based drug rehab and alcohol programs allow recovering addicts of faith to heal with a combination of medical detox, counseling and prayer. For people of faith, the religious component makes detox more believable and powerful. It gives them faith that the forces of good can triumph over evil.

A lot of people, particularly those of faith, find it hard to set goals or muster willpower if they don’t have something to believe in. People engaged in substance abuse are typically despondent over their trajectory in life. For them, it’s often not enough to just “be confident” or look on the bright side. Their only way out is through true faith.

Christian rehab centers recognize that many addicts won’t stay with treatment or achieve lasting recovery if they don’t have faith in a higher power. Faith-based programs stress the active component in successful recovery stories: faith itself.

Faith-Based Addiction Treatment Programs

For people struggling with drug and alcohol abuse, faith-based programming combines religious practice with substance abuse treatment. Faith-based American addiction centers generally include the following program options:

  • Residential inpatient treatment – For long-term recovery, residential programs are generally recommended to people seeking treatment. Residential programs consist of 30-90 days at a Christian rehab center. Treatment includes counseling for drug abuse, life-skills training and support groups with fellow residents.
  • Outpatient programs – Most Christian treatment centers also offer outpatient programs, where patients come to the center in the daytime for treatment. This is a good option for patients with loving, supportive home environments who wish to undergo treatment while upholding work and social obligations.

Christian-based drug rehab centers help people triumph over alcohol and drug addiction with a combination of faith and evidence-based therapies.

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Don't go through the process of recovery alone. There are people who can help you with the struggle you're facing. Get in touch with one today.

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Find Faith-Based Treatment Centers

Substance abuse issues plague people from all walks of life and religious backgrounds. Some people who are active in their church and community have substance abuse problems. It doesn’t make them immoral people. It simply means that they need emotional support and guidance to overcome addiction and get their lives on track.

If someone you know has a drug or alcohol problem, contact the nearby faith-based rehab centers and ask about their options. With god’s grace and the right treatment provider, your call could turn someone’s life around.

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