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Rehab Centers in Billings, Montana: Drug and Alcohol

Do you have a friend, partner or family member who struggles with alcohol or drug addiction? If so, contact one of the rehab centers in Billings, MT.

Like most of the US, Montana is plagued with drug problems. In 2020, there were 157 overdose deaths in the state, up 12 percent from the prior year.

Fortunately, Billings has a mix of residential inpatient centers and outpatient facilities that treat all types of chemical addictions. So what are the local drug rehab centers?

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3 Well-Known Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers in Billings, MT

  1. Residential inpatient treatment – Rimrock Foundation
  2. Medication-assisted treatment – Community Medical Services
  3. Outpatient clinic – Ideal Option

1. Rimrock Foundation – Residential inpatient treatment in Billings, MT

Rimrock is the leading treatment center for drug and alcohol addiction in Billings, Montana. The facility offers residential inpatient treatment for people addicted to alcohol, stimulants, opioids and prescription painkillers. The treatment consists of therapy, group meetings, education, activities and a daily schedule based on the 12-step model.

  • Rimrock – Leading Addiction Treatment
  • 1231 North 29th Street, Billings, MT 59101
  • Phone: (800) 227-3953, (406) 248-3175


Rimrock is staffed with intervention specialists, each with more than a decade of experience in handling crises. They conduct an admissions process that consists of two reviews. Each interview is in-depth and covers the subject’s background, drug history and experience with medication. 

  • Assessments – The first review consists of a clinical interview and psychological test to determine the patient’s symptoms and the extent of his/her problem. The second review includes family members and addresses questions that may arise from the first round of assessments.
  • Interventions – One of the most difficult hurdles to recovery is getting an addicted individual to admit to his/her problem. In many cases, the person remains in denial, even as problems escalate. Loved ones often feel alienated and don’t know how to handle these situations. 
  • Detoxification – The most challenging part of recovery is detox, which covers the first week after a person first stops using drugs or alcohol. During the first three days, as chemicals clear the body, the person is bound to feel intense cravings for his/her drug of choice. 

For best results, detox should only be done under the watchful eye of clinical staff. Rimrock physicians assist patients during detox. The center accepts payments with private healthcare insurance and loans from the Prosper Healthcare Lending firm.

Inpatient Treatment: Therapy Services

Rimrock offers an adult inpatient treatment program where patients receive care 24/7. The program consists of education and activities that foster healthy mindsets and proactive daily habits. It starts with meetings between the patient and counselor, where the counselor draws information to execute the most effective treatment plan.

  • BioPsychoSocial Assessment – When patients first enter the inpatient program, they undergo an assessment conducted by Rimrock counselors, physicians and nurses. The purpose is to determine the nature and extent of the individual’s addiction and see if any co-occurring mental health issues exist. 
  • Individual Therapy – Each patient meets with a licensed counselor with whom he/she will discuss issues related to treatment and progress. This is a time to share concerns and struggles in a discreet, private setting. 
  • Group Counseling – Rimrock also conducts group therapy, where patients share their insights and challenges with fellow patients in a supportive, judgment-free setting.
  • Psychiatric Services – During rehab as the patient makes progress, psychiatric nurses are always available to make re-evaluations whenever necessary. If progress stalls or the patient doesn’t respond well to a certain treatment, the re-evaluation helps them correct matters and develop something more effective.
  • Nutrition Services – Rimrock employs registered dieticians to approve patient meals and dietary plans of each residential inpatient. For referred patients, the dieticians might also offer individual consultations. Diet is a vital part of healthy living: the bedrock of sobriety and recovery.
  • Diagnostic Process – For treatment to be effective and lasting, it must cut to the root of an individual’s addiction and vice-triggers. People who gravitate toward drugs tend to have deep-seated trauma and issues in their past that cause defeatist, limiting beliefs. Rimrock counselors work to uproot these thoughts from the patient’s subconscious.

Inpatient care gives recovering individuals the structure that most lack when they first enter rehab. The things they learn during inpatient care prepare them for sober life on the outside.


The schedule in Rimrock’s inpatient program consists of structured daily activities designed to foster good habits. 

  • Twelve Step Program – The 12-step model was designed by AA to help former alcohol and drug users add structure and discipline to their lives. It gives each day focus and trains patients to be proactive and productive with their time. As patients finish the program, they tend to be much more disciplined and positive in their outlook.
  • Individual Family Therapy – Rimrock promotes individual family therapy, where each patient and his/her loved ones meet with an appointed counselor. This helps mend communication gaps between family members and recovering individuals. Residents often make smoother transitions to the outside with family counseling.
  • Medication Group – Each resident meets with Rimrock medical staff weekly to discuss prescribed medication and its effects on his/her mental health symptoms. This helps patients and counselors track progress and determine whether they’re on the right track regarding treatment.
  • Spirituality Sessions – For many former alcohol and drug users, recovery is more than just mental and physical, it’s also spiritual. Rimrock supports this for patients who wish to get in touch with their spiritual side. They hold sessions led by clergy who explain the meaning and role of spirituality in life.

During their time at Rimrock, patients learn to be more constructive and proactive with their time. Former residents value each day and make the most of their time on Earth.


Residential treatment is meant to be educational. Most people come to addiction treatment centers with no personal discipline and poor coping skills. Rimrock counselors help patients learn how to deal with problems in a rational, sober manner and face challenges with a positive frame of mind.

  • Recreation Education Program – Rimrock arranges recreational activities that approximate the real-life activities of each residential inpatient. The purpose is to keep residents in the habit of what they know and love but do so without drugs or alcohol. This helps patients restore the vigor they had before addiction took hold.
  • Human Sexuality Education Series – Rimrock includes a bimonthly sexual education series in the residential program. Patients are split into gender-specific groups to discuss issues regarding sexuality. Each meeting consists of education regarding safe sex and high-risk practices.
  • Lectures and Educational Films – Each week, patients attend lectures and educational films regarding the mental and physical effects of various types of drugs. This helps patients understand their struggles with substance abuse and also understand the impact that different drugs have had on fellow residents.
  • Art Therapy – Creative activities like painting, drawing and writing help lead the mind in positive directions. People with drug and alcohol addiction are often struggling to bury depression and disturbing thoughts. Art gives people new and healthy things to think about and accomplish daily.

Residential inpatients learn valuable life lessons at Rimrock that most people aren’t taught in school. Life throws challenges at everyone and it’s crucial to solve problems without resorting to drugs or alcohol. 


Before patients leave the residential program, they review all that they’ve accomplished at Rimrock and see if there’s any more ground to cover.

  • Refusal Skill Training – Each person who exits recovery is bound to face challenges that could put his/her resolve to the test. The Rimrock Foundation conducts exercises where patients are shown imagery of challenging and stressful situations. This tests endurance and gauges coping skills.
  • Discharge Conferences – Before discharge, patients meet with their counselors to discuss the progress they made in the rehab program. At this stage, the two parties assess where things stand and whether aftercare will be necessary to help the person readjust to society as a sober individual.
  • Aftercare – After inpatient treatment, the patient may receive aftercare if he/she needs continued guidance and motivation while readjusting to family, work and social life. If the individual lives outside the immediate care area, he/she will be referred to an approved care provider.

Most patients who graduate from the Rimrock residential program achieve long-term sobriety. Rimrock also offers outpatient treatment with many of the same features on a daytime-only schedule.

2. Community Medical Services – Medication-assisted treatment in Billings, MT

Community Medical Services (CMS) is a program that treats addiction with medication and counseling. CMS is approved by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities with locations in 11 states, including four in Montana.

  • CMS in Billings, Montana
  • 2040 Rosebud Dr. Suite 7-8
  • Billings, MT 59102
  • Phone: 855-203-6352

CMS provides drug and alcohol rehab services at each of its treatment centers. At the Billings location and other Montana centers, people can come for abuse and addiction counseling and advice. CMS promotes peer support among patients.

  • Medication – CMS offers medication-assisted treatment with three FDA-approved anti-addiction medications: Methadone, Buprenorphine (Suboxone®/Subutex®), Naltrexone (Vivitrol®). Each helps suppress cravings and withdrawal symptoms in recovering individuals during detox.
  • Counseling – CMS conducts counseling sessions in group meetings, where patients gain knowledge and support on recovery from others on the same path. CMS also offers individual counseling with trained, licensed addiction therapists. Counseling helps detoxified individuals make the transition to long-term sobriety.
  • Correctional Health – CMS provides substance abuse treatment to incarcerated individuals and former inmates. Due to the high prevalence of addiction relapse (and consequent recidivism) among newly freed individuals, CMS works to provide easily accessible drug treatment, regardless of criminal status.

CMS treatment programs are available near Billings, MT, as well as in Bozeman, Missoula and Kalispell. Substance use is a plague on communities across the US, including Montana. CMS works to redress the lack of adequate alcohol and drug rehab services for all people.

3. Ideal Option – Outpatient clinic in Billings, MT

Ideal Option is an outpatient clinic that offers medication to help people overcome drug addiction. They administer Suboxone® and Vivitrol®, two of the most effective treatment options for people undergoing detox.

  • 1523 Wyoming Ave.
  • Billings, MT 59102
  • Phone: 877-522-1275

For the recovering individual, anti-opioid medication eases the physical discomfort and emotional stress that fuels addiction and causes people to relapse.

  • MAT – Ideal Option practices medically-assisted treatment (MAT), where doctors administer FDA-approved medications to help wean patients off opioid drugs. This helps people during and after detox as drugs leave the body and cravings intensify. 
  • Recovery – MAT is considered the most effective way to help addicted individuals overcome their cravings for opioid drugs. Compared to people who attempt detox on their own without help, people who’ve undergone MAT have higher long-term success rates. 

MAT is most effective for people struggling with addictions to heroin, fentanyl, and prescription painkillers. It works in most cases. For anyone new to treatment, it’s best to consult a private doctor for information on allergies or possible side effects. 

Ideal Option accepts numerous insurance payment plans, including Cigna, TriWest, Humana, Medicaid, and BlueCross/BlueShield.

Get Alcohol and Drug Rehab in Billings, MT, Today

Addiction varies between different types of people and their chemical dependencies. For anyone who needs medical advice, there is no substitute for professional input from treatment specialists. At rehab centers like Rimrock, they offer evidence-based treatment services that stop drug addiction and mental health disorders.

In Billings, MO, residential inpatient and intensive outpatient programs have helped thousands of people restore their health and peace of mind. Treatment facilities like Rimrock offer full and partial hospitalization with unsurpassed quality of care, complete with education, therapy and support groups.

If you know someone with a drug or alcohol problem, don’t let it become a medical emergency. Please contact a treatment facility near you and get that person the help he/she needs. Your call could save a life.

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Photos Source: Google Maps

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