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Mind Lab Pro Review: Does This Nootropic Really Work?

It’s exam finals week, and you can’t seem to retain anything you study? Maybe you work in a profession that demands high mental performance and coordination? Or, perhaps you may be retired, but you want to start taking your brain health seriously? 


If any of these scenarios sound familiar, supplements such as Mind Lab Pro may be for you. This article goes deep into the research behind Mind Lab Pro’s ingredients and whether it’s an effective solution for your unique needs. 

Mind Lab Pro Review at a Glance

Here are some pros, cons, and other highlights about Mind Lab Pro if you don’t have the time to stick around till conclusion. 


  • Natural dopamine-enhancers
  • All-natural ingredients
  • Mind Lab Pro kicks in after about 30 minutes
  • Contains essential B vitamins
  • Stimulant-free formula with a low side effect profile 


  • May have additive effects with prescription dopamine-boosters

Mind Lab Pro Highlights

Mind lab pro highlights


In reviewing Mind Lab Pro, various studies indicate that its ingredients can significantly impact brain health and cognitive functions. These ingredients have been shown to enhance neurotransmitter production, which can help relieve ADHD symptoms and promote the growth of new brain cells. Additionally, some components in the supplement may improve cognitive function in older adults and potentially reduce the risk of dementia


Ideally, you should take two capsules of Mind Lab Pro twice daily. The first dose should be taken before breakfast and the second before or after lunch. 


The starter Mind Lab Pro price is $69.00 for a one-month supply. However, the best value deal costs $207.00 for four months’ supply, which is the price of three bottles. A Mind Lab Pro discount code or coupon can further increase your savings. 


Mind Lab Pro is generally ideal for most people, except for those on strong prescription dopamine enhancers. It’s also free from common allergens and controversial ingredients, such as nuts, gluten, wheat, soy, and GMOs. This makes it a legitimate option for individuals looking for a clean and potent nootropic supplement. 


With just 2 doses of 2 capsules daily, Mind Lab Pro offers a convenient dosage regimen, making it ideal for those who prefer simplicity over powdered or flavored supplements. This straightforward approach allows users to enhance their cognition without extensive brain training exercises.

Shipping and Return Policy

All orders over $180 give you access to fast, free shipping. If you accidentally place an incorrect order or change your mind, contact the customer support team within 14 days. 

Refunds and Money-Back Guarantee

Mind Lab Pro has a 30-day risk-free money-back guarantee. If you do not see results from your first bottle, you can get a refund on unused bottles if you bought a bundle. However, if you open more than 1 bottle, the company waives this guarantee, and you cannot get a refund. 

Quick Verdict

Mind Lab Pro contains several potent nootropics that may benefit short- and long-term cognitive function by optimizing neurotransmitter levels and protecting brain cell health. 


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Detailed Review of Mind Lab Pro

This part is for those of you looking to find even the tiniest details. 

What Is Mind Lab Pro?

Mind Lab Pro is a nootropic supplement designed to enhance cognitive function in healthy individuals. Unlike prescription drugs, nootropics aim to boost memory, reaction times, concentration, alertness, and mood without serious side effects. 


Mind Lab Pro stands out for its evidence-backed formulation, featuring scientifically supported ingredients to improve overall brain performance. Whether you need a mental edge at work or in your daily life, Mind Lab Pro is designed to help you achieve your cognitive goals with a practical approach.

How Does Mind Lab Pro Work?

Mind Lab Pro (MLP) employs a unique approach to enhancing cognitive function. It features a carefully crafted blend of 11 potent nootropic ingredients, each chosen for its specific brain-boosting properties, like: 

  • Optimizing various aspects of brain health, from memory and focus to mood and mental clarity. 
  • Boosting daily performance and contributing to the maintenance of healthy brain function as you age. 


MLP boasts about its commitment to purity and efficacy; the supplement contains no additives or synthetic fillers. The ingredients are transparently listed, ensuring users know precisely what they’re taking. This all-in-one formula thus aims to enhance immediate cognitive functions while fostering overall brain health.

Who Is Mind Lab Pro Best For?

Mind Lab Pro is for you if you want to improve your cognitive function. Perhaps you’ve been feeling overwhelmed from work or studies, or your sports performance just isn’t the same at 40. 


On the other hand, maybe you can get through the day, but you have no free time as you crash on the couch as soon as you get home. Whether you’re a student, pilot, personal trainer, surgeon, or something else, you may benefit significantly from its nootropic ingredients.


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Mind Lab Pro Benefits

Mind Lab Pro may help improve your memory and alertness, among other cognitive functions. 

Increased Alertness

Some ingredients, such as citicoline and tyrosine, can enhance alertness by boosting neurotransmitters. They may even work under stressful conditions, including cold exposure. This may help you reduce errors on cognitive tasks, improve marksmanship, and make beneficial changes to brain waves. 

Improved Memory Recall

Customers who note benefits from taking Mind Lab Pro often notice improved memory. This is likely thanks to ingredients such as lion’s mane extract, which may restore memory and other abilities in older adults. Another study showed that folic acid, a version of folate, made volunteers’ delayed recall skills around 7 years younger [1]. 

Non-stimulant Brain Function Enhancement

Mind Lab Pro does not contain caffeine, which is great if you cannot tolerate its stimulant properties. Even better, it may reduce the function of glutamate, which can be overstimulating. 


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Who Should Avoid Mind Lab Pro?

Mind Lab Pro contains tyrosine, the amino acid your body uses to make dopamine. This may be addictive with medications such as those for ADHD, which also boost dopamine levels. If you take anything that may also enhance dopamine, consult your doctor before trying out any nootropics. 

What Are the Side Effects of Mind Lab Pro?

Mind Lab Pro side effects are generally minimal and rarely occur. However, there is a small chance of allergies to some of its herbal ingredients, and its dopamine boosters may have additive effects with prescription drugs that also increase dopamine. 


Excessive use of dopamine enhancers can lead to mania, hallucinations, and even depression. Some people may notice a poor ability to control impulses. The most common side effects are headache, nausea, and dizziness [2]. 

Mind Lab Pro’s Ingredients

Mind Lab Pro ingredients include B vitamins, Bacopa monnieri, lion’s mane, tyrosine, and Rhodiola to maximize its potential to enhance cognition. 

mind lab pro ingredients

Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, and Vitamin B12

Vitamins B6, B9 (folate), and B12 are all critical for the production of red blood cells. What’s more, they reduce homocysteine, an inflammatory substance shown to damage blood vessels and disrupt cognitive function. 


Research shows that folic acid, a version of folate, could turn back the aging clock on some cognitive abilities by 1.5-7 years. In the long term, reducing homocysteine could also delay or prevent some types of dementia [1]. 


Vitamin B12 is essential for brain health but is commonly deficient in older adults and vegetarians. 


A trial in which people with cognitive impairments were given vitamin B12 showed improvements in visual abilities, calculations, and attention compared to the placebo group. Supplementation may bring great benefits, with common medications such as antacids reducing B12 absorption [3]. 

Citicoline (250 mg)

Citicoline is a source of choline, which your brain uses to make the most widespread neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. 


It prevents your brain cells from depleting their membranes’ stores of phosphatidylcholine and improves the function of your body’s antioxidants. Citicoline reduces the buildup of potentially toxic substances while protecting beneficial fats inside brain tissue [4]. 


Clinical studies show that citicoline may protect your brain in the long term while improving your motor function and memory in the short term. Research shows that visual working memory, overall awareness, and awareness during motor function-related tasks can all improve after just 2 weeks [4]. 

Bacopa Monnieri (150 mg)

Bacopa monnieri, also known as Brahmi or simply bacopa, is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal remedy that has been used for centuries to improve cognition. Multiple lab and clinical studies show that bacopa can help with memory and learning thanks to its ability to promote the growth of new brain cells and assist in maintaining them [5]. 


Moreover, Bacopa monnieri is one of Mind Lab Pro’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredients. Lab studies suggest that these benefits could also help delay the build-up of the harmful proteins that accumulate in those with Alzheimer’s disease [5]. 

Organic Lion’s Mane Mushroom (500 mg)

Lion’s mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) is another ingredient that may have both short- and long-term benefits. It’s an odd-looking East Asian mushroom resembling a white lion’s mane.


In functional medicine, lion’s mane is known for its ability to increase nerve growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and other substances. These may help boost the development of new brain cells and protect existing ones. 


One study on volunteers over 50 found that lion’s mane improved scores on their Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE), a test for dementia. Another trial on younger volunteers found that it boosted performance speed and helped to reduce stress [6]. In addition, it’s also praised by users in supplements subreddits.

Phosphatidylserine (100 mg)

Phosphatidylserine forms part of your natural brain tissue and is also found in foods such as soy. It helps to boost dopamine and acetylcholine, which you need for motivation, attention, and overall cognitive function.


A clinical study on phosphatidylserine supplementation for kids with ADHD found impressive results. Overall, their DSM-IV scores for ADHD fell from 11.4 to 7.2. Regarding inattention scores, their results on the Go/No-Go test improved from 2.8 to 0.2 errors, a drop of over 90%. The children taking phosphatidylserine also had improved social and organizational skills [7]. 

N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine (175 mg)

Tyrosine is an amino acid (the building block of protein) that your body uses to make dopamine. Dopamine is necessary for motivation, attention, learning, working memory, and motor function. With low dopamine levels, you may have poor motivation even if you consciously have a burning desire to achieve a goal. 


Supplementing with tyrosine could even improve these functions in unpleasant situations such as cold exposure, which impairs them. One trial demonstrated that tyrosine could prevent impairment in marksmanship and working memory despite the volunteers’ lower core temperature [8]. 

L-Theanine (100 mg)

L-theanine is the calming component of green tea, which may relieve both the immediate and long-term effects of stress. It helps tame glutamate, a stimulating neurotransmitter that can make you excessively anxious and stressed. 


A trial testing 1 dose of L-theanine showed that it significantly reduced the spike in heart rate and changes to protective antibodies during a stress task. L-theanine mostly prevented the jump in perceived stress, so it may help you stay calm during tense situations such as during exams. Moreover, it can increase alpha waves, promoting a relaxed yet alert state of mind [9].

Rhodiola Rosea (50 mg)

Rhodiola rosea is an adaptogen, meaning that it enhances one’s ability to respond to stress. It may improve energy and reduce cortisol, a stress hormone that can damage tissue at high levels. Its antioxidant properties add to its potential for enhanced protection. 


Clinical research has shown for decades that rhodiola may improve mental performance and protect against mental exhaustion. Results include fewer errors on correction tests, better concentration, and greater working capacity. Even just one dose can boost cognition, making it another potential winner for fatigue and stress during exam periods [10]. 

Maritime Pine Bark (75 mg)

Maritime pine bark is a powerful antioxidant that may protect your brain, blood vessels, and more. It has reinforcing properties on the cells. By protecting blood vessels, oxygen and nutrients can continue to reach every part of the brain. 


What about clinical research? Studies on ADHD show that maritime pine bark can improve impulsive, inattentive, and hyperactive behavior by anywhere from 10-34%, depending on the measurement and dose. In adults, Gulf War Illness symptoms, including cognitive dysfunction, significantly improved after taking maritime pine bark for 1 month [11].

How to Take Mind Lab Pro

The recommended dose of Mind Lab Pro is two capsules twice daily, before breakfast and around lunchtime. However, if you are more sensitive, you may benefit from just one capsule twice daily. To be on the safe side, we recommend that you avoid taking it with high-tannin drinks such as strong black tea, which may reduce absorption. 

Where to Buy Mind Lab Pro

You can buy Mind Lab Pro on its official website. Avoid products that look like the real thing in stores like Amazon because they could be fake. It’s common to find minor differences that are barely noticeable until you look closely. 


If you search “Mind Lab Pro near me,” you may find a health food or supplement store that stocks it. However, only a few physical stores do. 


>>Check the best deals for Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro Review: What Do Real Users Say?

Mind Lab Pro has many positive reviews online. A recent TrustPilot review states: 


“I slowly ramped up from 1 capsule to the recommended 2 and found that after about 3 days of consistently taking Mind Lab Pro, I saw a significant improvement in my focus and could do more at work and get into a flow state. I find it hard to get into flow state most of the time, but it was rather easy to do with this product once I became consistent in taking it [12].”


However, only some are impressed. One Mind Lab Pro Reddit review reads: “I am relatively new to nootropics, and Mind Lab Pro is really my first venture into nootropics. I’ve been taking it for the last couple of weeks; however, I seem to be seeing very strange effects. My sleep has been optimal throughout; however, ever since I started taking Mind Lab Pro, I have felt really tired and exhausted [13].

Mind Lab Pro Alternatives

If Mind Lab Pro isn’t for you, try FOCL Day, Hunter Focus, or other top nootropic supplements

1. FOCL Day

focl day

FOCL Day is our top pick among Mind Lab Pro alternatives. It contains lion’s mane, bacopa, rhodiola, L-theanine, and vitamin B6. As there is no tyrosine, it may be suitable if you take dopamine-enhancing substances, but consult your doctor first. 

FOCL Day Pricing

It’s also cheaper. The FOCL Day supplement costs $39.00 as a one-time purchase; you can also choose a subscription option, which costs $31.20 per month. All FOCL products are third-party tested. 

User Reviews

On the official site, folks don’t hold back when sharing their thoughts on FOCL Day, and it’s a mixed bag. One happy user is thrilled, saying they’ve been taking it for about a month and feeling better overall and had no nasty side effects. Another fan loves the focus and well-being boost, though they find the pills large. Not everyone was impressed; one disappointed user didn’t notice any difference, feeling neither more energized nor focused [14].


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2. Hunter Focus

hunter focus

When comparing Hunter Focus vs MLP, the former has a longer list of ingredients, including ashwagandha, Panax ginseng, sage, and caffeine. You may prefer Hunter Focus if you benefit from caffeine or need a stronger energy boost. 


Studies show that Panax ginseng may increase the mitochondria in your cells, which produce almost all of your energy. For example, one trial involving post-menopausal women demonstrated that their measurement of mitochondrial DNA rose from 4.36 to 5.93 in just 8 weeks. Their fatigue scores dropped from 34 to 27, too [15]. As a result, we’d recommend Hunter Focus for older customers who want to restore lost vitality. 

Hunter Focus Pricing

The supplement costs $90 per month, but you can save 25% with the 4-month package for $270. 

User Reviews

On the official site, one seasoned nootropic enthusiast claims it’s among the best they’ve tried, praising the well-crafted formula [16]. However, on Amazon, one reviewer shared that they had a rough experience, reporting that the caffeine led to a racing heart, jitteriness, and an overall feeling of unease—plus, it messed with their sleep [17].


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3. TakeThesis

take thesis

TakeThesis, or Thesis for short, takes a more personalized approach to nootropics. It offers a “stack” of 4 different supplements, which you can order based on quiz results or build your box from 6 options. 


These 6 supplements contain ingredients similar to those in Mind Lab Pro, such as citicoline and lion’s mane extract. Others include N-acetylcysteine, high-DHA algae, magnesium, mango leaf, phenylalanine, and theobromine. 


Theobromine, found in chocolate, may help ​​increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor. This can lead to improvements in learning and memory by protecting brain cells and their ability to form new connections, alongside increasing the growth of new brain cells [18]. 

Thesis Pricing

A Starter Kit from TakeThesis costs $120. After this, you just pay $79 per month for your subscription. You can change your subscription if you decide that one box isn’t right for you, but another one is. 

User Reviews

On Trustpilot, the nootropic averages 4 out of 5 stars from 9 reviews, so while it’s not a ton of feedback, it’s a good start. A satisfied user is all about the energy and well-being boost they get from Thesis, while another found the Clarity blend perfect for sharpening focus and motivation [19][20]. However, not everyone was thrilled—one user grumbled about the high price, noting that there wasn’t much difference between the usual caffeine and L-theanine effects [21].


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4. Noocube


Noocube is another Mind Lab Pro alternative with powerful antioxidants and natural dopamine boosters like tyrosine. It includes carotenoids (such as Lutemax), which are fat-soluble and may protect brain tissue. It’s also slightly cheaper, at $64.99.


Carotenoids, such as the beta-carotene that makes carrots and other vegetables orange, may protect your brain through their antioxidant properties. As they are fat-soluble, they can stick around longer and stay in the fatty tissue of your brain. Population studies show that a higher carotenoid intake is linked with better cognitive performance [22]. 

Noocube Pricing

While 1 bottle of Noocube costs $64.99, you can save 15% with a subscription. The 3-month package costs $129.99, but the 15% subscription discount still applies. 

User Reviews

On its website, it’s all sunshine and rainbows—one user, along with their spouse, has been taking it for 3 months and swears by the improvement in their problem-solving skills [23]. But hop over to Trustpilot, and it’s a different story. Reviews there are pretty harsh, with a user saying that it didn’t do a thing for their mental speed, focus, or memory, leaving them frustrated with an expensive product that failed to deliver [24].


>>Check the best deals for Noocube

Mind Lab Pro Review: FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions people have when reading or researching bbout Mind Lab Pro. 

Does Mind Lab Pro Work?

Multiple clinical studies show that the ingredients in Mind Lab Pro may improve attention span, memory, and more. However, your results may vary. 

Is Mind Lab Pro Safe?

For most people, Mind Lab Pro is well-tolerated. However, like any supplement, individual reactions can vary.

Why Is Mind Lab Pro So Expensive?

Mind Lab Pro is packed with the appropriate doses of natural ingredients to enhance memory, attention span, and other cognitive abilities. As a result, it’s more expensive than many supplements. 

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Mind Lab Pro?

Research into some of Mind Lab Pro’s ingredients suggests that they may protect you against age-related cognitive decline. However, it’s still too early for them to be officially recognized for these benefits. 

Does Mind Lab Pro Affect Sleep?

Mind Lab Pro should not negatively affect your sleep. It does not contain stimulants, and the L-theanine may help you relax. Additionally, some people find that low dopamine levels make them feel hyperactive while normalizing them has a calming effect. 

How Does Mind Lab Pro Make You Feel?

Studies and user reviews describe Mind Lab Pro as having the potential to help you focus and get into the “flow” state, where concentration and high performance become much more feasible. 


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Mind Lab Pro Review: Final Verdict

With many positive Mind Lab Pro reviews and many scientific papers backing up its ingredients, we found a nootropic with great potential. It does not contain stimulants and has no history of pharmaceutical contamination, making it an effective option for many. 


From antioxidant protection to promoting the growth and maintenance of brain cells, Mind Lab Pro may benefit your nervous system from the cellular level. Even better, some ingredients can significantly improve symptoms of ADHD and poor memory. However, a downside we found was that there were no subscription options, and that’s where our alternatives list comes in. 


>>Check the best deals for Mind Lab Pro


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  6. Docherty, Sarah et al. “The Acute and Chronic Effects of Lion’s Mane Mushroom Supplementation on Cognitive Function, Stress and Mood in Young Adults: A Double-Blind, Parallel Groups, Pilot Study.” Nutrients vol. 15,22 4842. 20 Nov. 2023, doi:10.3390/nu15224842
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  12. “Brandon Pierce Gave Mind Lab Pro 5 Stars. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, Accessed 16 Aug. 2024.
  13. “Mind Lab Pro Is Making Me Extremely Tired and Exhausted. Why ? : R/StackAdvice.” Reddit.Com, Accessed 16 Aug. 2024.
  14. “L-Theanine & Lion’s Mane Day 3 Pack.” FOCL, Accessed 16 Aug. 2024.
  15. Chung, Tae-Ha et al. “The Effects of Korean Red Ginseng on Biological Aging and Antioxidant Capacity in Postmenopausal Women: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Study.” Nutrients vol. 13,9 3090. 2 Sep. 2021, doi:10.3390/nu13093090
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  17. “Check out This Amazon Review of ROAR AMBITION Genuine Hunter Focus Premium Nootropic Brain Supplement for Memory and Focus – US Made with All Natural Ingredients Incl L-Theanine, Bacopa Monnieri & Lion’s Mane.” Amazon.Com, Accessed 16 Aug. 2024.
  18. Yoneda, Mitsugu et al. “Theobromine up-regulates cerebral brain-derived neurotrophic factor and facilitates motor learning in mice.” The Journal of nutritional biochemistry vol. 39 (2017): 110-116. doi:10.1016/j.jnutbio.2016.10.002
  19. “Eric Mason Gave Thesis 5 Stars. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, Accessed 16 Aug. 2024.
  20. “Andrew Kisch Gave Thesis 5 Stars. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, Accessed 16 Aug. 2024.
  21. “Nick Duncan Gave Thesis 1 Star. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, Accessed 16 Aug. 2024.
  22. Christensen, Krista et al. “Dietary carotenoids and cognitive function among US adults, NHANES 2011-2014.” Nutritional neuroscience vol. 23,7 (2020): 554-562. doi:10.1080/1028415X.2018.1533199
  23. “NooCube.” NooCube, Accessed 16 Aug. 2024.
  24. “Vanessa Gave NooCube 1 Star. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, Accessed 16 Aug. 2024.
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