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Rehab Centers in New York City

Drug abuse is a growing plague in New York City. In 2020, 2,243 people died of drug overdoses in the five boroughs. NYC rehab centers face a constant influx of patients in need of drug and alcohol detox and treatment.

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5 Rehabs in NYC

  1. NYC chapter of the Betty Ford Center – Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
  2. Drug and alcohol outpatient treatment – Ascendant Detox
  3. Detox, medical support and abstinence maintenance – Parallax-center
  4. Detox, residential, outpatient and extended care – Mountainside Treatment Center – NYC Chelsea
  5. Open meetings, outpatient and virtual services – Inter-Care

1. Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation – NYC chapter of the Betty Ford Center

  • Address: 283 West Broadway, New York City, NY 10013
  • Phone: 855-614-6699

Founded in 2014 from a merger of the Betty Ford Center and the Hazelden Foundation. Named after the former first lady, herself a recovering alcohol and substance user. It has since become one of the most recognized names in sobriety treatment.

Rehab Programs

  • Inpatient Treatment – A residential stay at the NYC Betty Ford facility, where patients learn sober living habits and follow a 12-step pattern. Includes counseling, group meetings and wellness activities.
  • Outpatient Treatment – Covers the same ground as inpatient treatment (12-step, counseling, wellness, group meetings) but the patient lives at home and comes to Betty Ford in the daytime for rehab.
  • Telehealth – Rehab treatment for patients who can’t attend the Betty Ford Center in person. Good for patients in supportive home situations.
  • Detox – The first stage of rehab where the patient stops drinking, enters the clinic and submits to 3-5 days of supervised detox. This is the challenging stage when chemicals first leave the body and cravings peak.

Specialized Services

  • Opioids/Heroin – Programs designed to treat addictions to opioids and depressant drugs like heroin and fentanyl.
  • Teen and Young Adult – Programs specially designed for the unique needs of adolescents and the issues they face (image consciousness, insecurity, peer pressure).
  • Older Adults – Programs designed for the unique needs of seniors (physical discomfort, immobility, loneliness, memory fog).
  • Family Services – Counseling and support for loved ones of patients.

2. Ascendant Detox – Drug and alcohol outpatient treatment

  • Address: 113 E. 60 St., New York, NY 10022
  • Phone: 917.262.0003

Ascendant offers alcohol and drug detox for people struggling with addiction in New York City. They also offer outpatient services for people recovering from various types of substance abuse. 


  • Alcohol Detox – Supervised detox treatment for incoming patients recovering from alcohol use disorder. The patient spends several days under 24/7 nursing care as alcohol clears the body.
  • Drug Detox – Monitored detox for incoming patients recovering from various types of drug addiction (opioids, stimulants, depressants, prescription drugs). Doctors may administer anti-addiction medication to help the patient overcome withdrawal symptoms.
  • Outpatient Services – Counseling and rehab treatment for patients who complete detox. Patients come to Ascendant in the daytime for outpatient treatment and support from the caring staff.
  • Holistic Recovery – Ascendant promotes a holistic approach to recovery that treats each patient on all levels (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual).

3. Parallax-center – Detox, medical support and abstinence maintenance

  • Address: 145 East 32nd Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10016
  • Phone: 212-779-9207

Parallax offers detox and outpatient services with medical support and individualized treatment plans. They also help with abstinence through the various stages of recovery.


  • Non-opioid Detox – Parallax helps patients recover from illicit and prescription opioid addiction without using opioids to counter withdrawal symptoms. They administer naltrexone (Vivitrol) to help patients through detox, withdrawal and cravings.
  • Outpatient Detoxification – Parallax offers outpatient services to patients who complete detox. This includes counseling and program plans to keep patients on the straight and narrow through each stage of recovery. 
  • Abstinence maintenance – Helps patients through each stage of adjustment from addiction to full sobriety. Phases include the “pink cloud” (days 10-45), the “wall phase” (45-120 days) and the “adjustment phase” (120-180 days) where the patient undergoes mood shifts and achieves equilibrium.

4. Mountainside Treatment Center – NYC Chelsea – Detox, residential, outpatient and extended care

  • Address: 243 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011
  • 646 650 5080

Mountainside Treatment Center offers detox and recovery with inpatient and outpatient options. They also offer extended care, family support and programs for teenagers.


  • Detox – Supervised treatment for patients during the first 3-7 days of abstinence from drugs and alcohol. May include medicated detox treatment.
  • Residential – A stay at the Mountainside facility. Program includes wellness, counseling, support and structured living arrangements designed to instill sobriety principles.
  • Extended Care – Ongoing support for patients who complete residential treatment but need further moral support and help with landing in society.
  • Outpatient Services – Similar to residential treatment, but the patient lives at home and comes to Mountainside in the daytime. Good for patients with stable domestic situations.
  • Recovery Coaching – Encouragement and guidance for recovering drug and alcohol users. Instills responsibility and proactive principles in each individual.
  • Family Recovery Coaching – Help for families of drug and alcohol users. Helps mend communication gaps between patients and their parents, children and partners.
  • Adolescent Services – Treatment designed for the needs of adolescents and the challenges they face (peer pressure, insecurity). 

5. Inter-Care – Open meetings, outpatient and virtual services

  • Address: 51 East 25th Street 4th Floor, New York, NY 10010
  • Phone: 212-532-0303

Inter-Care offers outpatient services and open meetings for recovering drug and alcohol users in NYC. They also offer virtual services for people in remote locations.


  • Outpatient Services – Daytime treatment for patients recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. A good option for low-need patients with stable, supportive home environments.
  • Open Meetings – Support groups for people at various stages of recovery. People talk and share their insights and progress on the road to sobriety. 
  • Virtual Services – Remote options for patients who wish to follow the treatment program but are unable to attend in person.

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Don't go through the process of recovery alone. There are people who can help you with the struggle you're facing. Get in touch with one today.

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Find Drug and Alcohol Rehab in New York City

Throughout New York City, rehab centers offer inpatient and outpatient recovery programs for people struggling with alcoholism and drug addiction. If someone you know has a drug or drinking problem, call the nearby centers and ask about their treatment options and payment methods. Your call could change that person’s life.

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