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OxyContin Addiction Treatment 

OxyContin is a popular brand of the potent narcotic oxycodone, which is also the primary ingredient in a variety of pain-relieving drugs. 

When used correctly, OxyContin is a powerful semi-synthetic opiate that can relieve severe pain, which explains its prescription for post-surgery purposes.  

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) classifies Oxycontin (and other narcotic medications) as schedule II substances. This means that similar to other narcotics in this class, OxyContin is highly regulated and is legally obtainable only through a genuine prescription.  

OxyContin’s limited in-store availability is proof enough of its addictive properties when abused. 

If you’re looking to learn more about OxyContin addiction treatment, then you couldn’t be in a better place. 

Read on as we explore the major signs of OxyContin addiction, its withdrawal symptoms, and ways to treat the substance use disorder. 

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OxyContin Abuse 

Despite its extended-release formulation, OxyContin can easily become addictive if abused. 

If used as per the doctor’s advice, OxyContin will attach to pain receptors slowly over several hours. However, when patients take more pills than required, they experience OxyContin’s full effect immediately, significantly increasing the risk of addiction.  

Abusing OxyContin interferes with its time-release feature, meaning the brain will be flooded with the drug, in the process stimulating the release of feel-good hormones similar to drugs like opium and heroin.

As a result, people abusing OxyContin will want more of it to achieve the calming, stress-relieving euphoria. 

And once tolerance to OxyContin increases, addicts are highly likely to switch to illegal drugs like heroin as they’re easier to access.  

It’s worth noting that OxyContin is powerful and can lead to fatalities if overdosed. Ingesting too many OxyContin pills can not only lead to brain damage but also depress the respiratory system, which can result in breathing failure. 

Signs of Oxycontin Addiction

Since OxyContin is a highly addictive substance, it is crucial to monitor how the drug is used. This means you should be on high alert when a highly addictive prescription drug like OxyContin is prescribed to a loved one to treat chronic pain.

Below are some of the signs of oxyContin addiction. 

Increased Tolerance: You’ll know you’re developing a gradual addiction if you become increasingly tolerant to OxyContin. Increased tolerance interferes with how the drug works in the body, meaning you’ll need more of the drug to achieve the desired effects. 

Forging fake prescriptions: If you suspect that a loved one is forging prescriptions, chances are they are developing a dependence that needs to be addressed real quick. 

Borrowing prescriptions: Prescriptions should never be shared. Therefore, if someone you know is desperate for oxycontin to the extent of borrowing prescriptions, you should be on high alert as addiction is almost certainly creeping in! 

Last-minute calls and visits: Avoiding timely doctor visits by showing up late or when office hours are about to end is a sign of physical dependence. Patients struggling with prescribed oxycontin abuse will try to use manipulative techniques to get their hands on a prescription. 

Suspicious behavior: You’ll know your loved one is addicted to Oxycontin if they develop suspicious behavior over time. This includes ‘losing prescriptions’ or faking pain to receive prescriptions.  

Ways to Treat OxyContin Addiction 

Like other opiates (and drugs in general), the first step in addiction treatment is usually detoxification. 


While it’s possible to detox at home if dealing with mild OxyContin dependence, seeking medical detox services in an addiction treatment facility is highly recommended to ease potentially severe withdrawal symptoms. 

Below are some of the common symptoms of OxyContin withdrawal:

  • Bone or muscle pain
  • Cold flashes 
  • Insomnia 
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Paranoia 
  • Mood swings 

Detoxing in a licensed rehab is ideal as you’ll kick start the recovery process in a well-regulated environment under the supervision of medical practitioners. 

The doctors will then recommend appropriate medications, depending on how your body responds to the detoxification process. 

Medication-Assisted Treatment

A licensed addiction treatment facility can use medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to make the detoxification and rehabilitation process a lot easier and smoother. 

Let’s take a quick look at some of the common opioid dependence medications your doctor might prescribe during treatment. 

Buprenorphine: Buprenorphine is an FDA-approved drug for treating opioid use disorders. The medication helps suppress cravings for opioids, thereby reducing the chances of relapse at the onset of addiction treatment. 

Methadone: In addition to reducing opioid cravings, methadone also helps manage withdrawal symptoms while also blocking the negative effects of opioids. 

Naltrexone: Naltrexone is recommended for chronic opioid addicts looking to reduce drug abuse gradually as it blocks the sedative and euphoric effect of drugs like OxyContin. 

In case of OxyContin overdose, it’s vital to rush your loved one to a medical facility where naloxone will be administered. Naloxone is an FDA- approved medication that works by reducing the effects of an opioid overdose. 


For MATs to be successful, patients must receive professional counseling, which usually involves a wide range of behavioral therapies. 

In addition to treating addiction, counseling helps tackle underlying mental issues that usually trigger substance use. 

Counseling practices tend to vary depending on facilities, with some inpatient treatment centers using a wide range of behavioral therapies to increase the effectiveness of treatment. 

Outpatient Vs. Inpatient OxyContin Rehab: Which Is Better? 

Both outpatient and inpatient rehabs can help treat OxyContin dependence. The best option, however, mainly depends on personal preferences and the extent of addiction. 

While outpatient rehab can work well for mild OxyContin dependence, it is not recommended when dealing with long-term addiction. 

Inpatient treatment is usually thorough and integrates a wide range of therapies from behavioral to experiential, which enhances the chances of emotional, physical, and psychological healing. 

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Don't go through the process of recovery alone. There are people who can help you with the struggle you're facing. Get in touch with one today.

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Is OxyContin Addiction Treatment Necessary?

Similar to other types of substance addictions, it is crucial to seek OxyContin addiction treatment at the earliest possible time.

Addiction to prescription opioids exposes a patient to a number of risks, top of the list being addiction to other ‘more accessible drugs’ like heroin if prescriptions prove impossible to obtain. 

As such, it is vital to treat OxyContin as soon as the signs of increasing dependence become apparent. 

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