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White Mountains Recovery Homes: Drug/Alcohol Treatment, Sober Living

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Does someone you love have a drug or alcohol problem? White Mountains Recovery Homes offer sober living in Littleton, NH.

Up and down New Hampshire, drug addiction and alcoholism are major problems in all walks of life. In 2020, there were 393 fatal drug overdoses statewide.

For those seeking addiction treatment, White Mountain has six locations: five in Littleton; one in Plymouth. Each location is in a peaceful country setting.

White Mountains Recovery Homes
669 Union Street
Littleton, NH 03561
Men’s Locations: (603) 726-1352
Women’s Location: (603) 991-3212

Sober Living Principles: Mission Statement

As part of their mission statement, White Mountain recovery promotes a safe sober living environment where residents practice faith and live by the 12 steps model developed by Alcoholics Anonymous. The goal is to help each resident achieve long-term sobriety in the real world and thrive as productive, drug-free individuals.

  • Safe Living Environment – Each White Mountain recovery home is a safe sober living place for anyone seeking a private and convenient solution to drug or alcohol addiction. The homes are well furnished and located in quiet, easygoing parts of Littleton, away from the stress and vices of the big cities.
  • 12 step recovery – White Mountain practices the 12-step model of Alcoholics Anonymous. This helps ensure sustainable recovery in each sober house. Drug and alcohol users typically lack structure in their lives. With 12-step, residents adhere to a daily regimen of activity and self-discipline.
  • Connection to God – At White Mountain sober houses, they stress faith as a vital component of the recovery community. Like any modern-day rehab program, White Mountain takes a holistic approach to addiction treatment that addresses patient needs on a mental, physical and spiritual level. The last of those is aided by faith in a higher power.
  • Community – White Mountain treatment programs stress the need for a positive, supportive community. Each person in a sober house has his/her background and troubles, but everyone is bound by the common goal of sobriety. At the White Mountain sober houses, people work together with no fear of judgment.
  • Selfless Service – Each person in the White Mountain sober living program is asked to look beyond his/her immediate wants and recognize the greater good of mankind. People who struggle with addiction are typically out of touch with the feelings and pain of those around them. By loving, helping and empathizing with others, patients can more readily conquer vices.

At White Mountain sober houses, residents get professional care for addiction and co-occurring disorders that pertain to mental health. Unlike regular treatment centers that only focus on addiction, White Mountain gives each resident a deeper examination to help the individual heal on a mental and spiritual level.

Addiction Treatment Requirements

The White Mountain Recovery center homes are places where people heal from the practical issues created by drug and alcohol addiction. They recommend a full year in the program. Their treatment practices consist of steps focused on self-discipline, faith, support, work and vocational counseling.

  • Daily AA Meeting – Each resident must attend daily AA meetings for 90 days straight. After the 90 days, residents must attend at least five AA meetings per week. This rule applies regardless of a resident’s planned duration of stay. This helps keep each patient on a straight and narrow path going forward.
  • Verified Sponsor – Within the first 30 days of residency at a White Mountains sober house, each resident must have a verified sponsor. A sponsor is an outside individual, often a former drug or alcohol user, who has achieved sobriety. This person helps the recovering individual along on his/her journey with guidance and insight.
  • Weekly House Meetings – White Mountains sober house residents must attend weekly meetings. House life is a team effort and each resident has responsibilities. Meetings are held each week to keep the environment harmonious. Matters concerning house life and progress are discussed during each meeting.
  • Rotated Weekly Chores – At White Mountains Recovery Homes, residents learn essential life skills. Most people who struggle with addiction lack structure in their daily lives. Sober living residents gain a sense of structure by completing required weekly chores. The goal is to help each resident become proactive and accomplishment-driven.
  • Random Drug Screening – White Mountains Recovery Home residents are subject to drug tests at any time. Failure to comply could result in termination from the program. The staff at White Mountain maintains a zero-tolerance policy regarding substance abuse. Everyone who complies and stays clean and sober should have no problem.


Most alcohol treatment centers base their programs on sobriety alone. At White Mountain sober houses, the emphasis is on making amends with family and community as clean, positive, productive citizens. 

Residents are encouraged to attend additional pathways (Three Principles, SMART Recovery, Renegade Recovery) which can count toward two of the weekly required meetings.

Drug/Alcohol Treatment Centers: Base Locations

White Mountains Recovery Homes LLC operates six locations in New Hampshire. Five are located in Littleton, a quaint, charming town on the northern edge of the White Mountains. Littleton has four sober houses for men and one for women. The sixth sober house is located in the town of Plymouth in central New Hampshire.

  • Men’s Houses – During their stay at the White Mountain sober houses, men learn vital communication and life skills. For a lot of men, addiction takes root due to stress and poor coping abilities. Sober living helps men handle matters like frustration and performance anxiety without resorting to drugs.
  • Women’s House – For women, addiction often stems from impulse-driven emotional behavior and insecurity. If a woman fears she’s being judged or compares herself to others, she might resort to drugs or alcohol for a sense of euphoria. Sober living helps women tap into their inner strength.

When people fall prey to addiction, they must ultimately choose their fate. Most people, when given options, choose recovery. At White Mountain sober houses, men and women get support throughout their journey and beyond to that final step back into the real world.

Types of Addiction

American addiction centers are swamped with cases of people hooked on dangerous substances. When the problem gets uncontrollable and the addict constantly needs his/her fix, it’s a medical emergency. Despite adverse consequences, alleged and real addicts are intervened daily for the following:

  • Uppers – People often get into these drugs for the energy-boost factor. Cocaine, a popular party drug, gives people a euphoric sense as they dance the night away. Speed, popular in the rock scene, helps touring musicians get through hectic touring schedules and performance demands.
  • Downers – People start using drugs like heroin to feel a sense of calm and euphoria. Downers trigger the brain’s reward system and make the body feel good. For people with high levels of stress or body pain, this is very tempting. As addiction takes hold, higher and higher doses are needed to get the same effect.
  • Alcohol – Due to its legality, alcohol is one of the most widely available addictive substances. Alcoholic beverages are meant to be consumed in moderation but a lot of people lack self-discipline. Consequently, alcoholism overtakes some people that never use hardcore drugs.
  • Prescription Drugs – Not all harmful, addictive drugs are ill-intended. Prescription drugs can also be addictive, particularly those that regulate pain and mood. If a person exceeds his or her daily dose, the medication loses its effectiveness. Overuse can be a vicious and lethal cycle.

For people who are ready to turn their lives around and beat addiction, there are many different treatment options. The addictions field generally looks at drug dependency as a health problem tied to co-occurring psychological issues. White Mountain stresses the importance of faith-based recovery based on the 12-step model.

Vice Triggers

Many addicts report having had a terrible experience that set them on a dark path. Other clients start as recreational users, then lose their self-discipline.

  • Trauma – One of the leading aggravators of addiction is past trauma, the scars of which can manifest throughout a person’s adult life. People often drink or use drugs to cope with the haunting memories of childhood molestation or abuse. For lasting recovery, it’s vital to come to terms with trauma.
  • Depression – Some people resort to downers or alcohol to cope with depression. When the mind is numb, issues like divorce, job loss, legal troubles or bankruptcy seem less imposing. This makes existing problems worse and adds new, possibly lethal trouble to the equation.
  • Maladaptation – A lot of initial drug use and over-drinking is down to an inability to cope with life’s challenges. Sober living helps educate people about healthy ways to cope with stress and problems.

One of the educational purposes of sober living is to learn and master the ways that drug-free people handle trauma, depression and other obstacles.

Contact White Mountains Recovery Homes

White Mountains Recovery homes are peaceful, supportive places where former drug and alcohol users can put their lives together. If someone you know struggles with alcoholism or drugs, call the general helpline and inquire about space at a Littleton location or the Plymouth house today.

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  • Insurance : Yes
  • Detox : Yes