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Discover Drug and Alcohol Rehab at the Recovery Village

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Does someone you know have a drug or alcohol problem?

The Recovery Village Drug and Alcohol Rehab centers offer detox, treatment and counseling for people struggling with substance addiction.

Recover Village offers a safe, clean environment where people come for help with substance issues and co-occurring mental health problems.

The Recovery team provides treatment for a vast range of substance addictions;

  • Alcohol
  • Heroin
  • Meth
  • Cocaine
  • Prescription opioids

The staff operates in multiple locations with a primary facility in Umatilla, Florida.

The Recovery Village Mission: Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Withdrawal, Recovery

At Recovery Village Drug and Alcohol Rehab centers, the staff treats addiction as a mental health issue. As such, they combine addiction treatment with dual-diagnosis therapy. This helps each patient discover the roots of his/her addiction. With this information, counselors can customize the most effective treatment plan for the individual.

The staff at Recovery Village maintains a safe, supportive environment where each patient can feel comfortable opening up about his/her problems. It’s the firm belief of Recovery Village that anyone can overcome drug or alcohol addiction.

Therapeutic Treatment: Depression Test, Existential Crisis Support

The Recovery Village treats addiction as a disease and uses treatment methods based on empirical data. Clinicians and counselors here treat substance use and mental health issues simultaneously with each patient to help ensure lasting recovery. Recovery Village states that addiction recovery is a long-term commitment that requires the determination of each patient.

The counselors tailor unique treatment plans for each patient based on his/her background, neurology, addiction type and personality characteristics. Each person comes to drugs from a different predicament and predisposition. 

Some people resort to drugs and/or alcohol as a coping mechanism to deal with financial stress, personal depression or past trauma. Others get hooked through recreational means. Counselors take all these factors into account and use methods like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) during treatment.

CBT is a form of therapy that correlates emotions to behavior. Under CBT, counselors examine the patient’s emotions, moods and thought patterns and use this information to determine how they affect that individual’s behavior. 

From there, the counselor works with the patient to help him or her develop healthier ways of thinking and emotionally handling situations. This, in turn, can lead to healthier habits and behavioral patterns.

DBT is a therapeutic model used to treat people with borderline personality disorders and troubled mental health. Counselors use DBT to help patients gain four key assets: stress tolerance, emotional restraint, interpersonal skill and mindfulness. 

With these assets, patients can gain healthier habits and overcome the vice-triggers that often provoke drug and alcohol consumption.

Recovery Village Locations

Recovery Village Drug and Alcohol Rehab operates 12 locations in six states.

  • Florida
  • Ohio
  • Colorado
  • Washington
  • New Jersey

In Florida alone, they operate four rehab centers, including their flagship facility in Umatilla. Additionally, Recovery Village runs two sober living facilities in Florida and a third in Maryland.

At the Recovery Village, their mission is to help patients through all the stages of addiction recovery: detox, therapy, recovery and aftercare. To aid in this progress, Recovery staff offer multiple programs for individuals at each stage of the process. 

After the first step, detox, the options provided at Recovery Village include residential treatment, partial hospitalization and outpatient care.

Detox: Withdrawal Symptoms

Patient care at the Recovery Village starts with detox, the recovery stage where the patient first ceases drug and alcohol use. During those first few days as substances clear the body, the recovering addict must cope with the symptoms of withdrawal. 

In most cases, symptoms include;

  • Nausea
  • Anxiety
  • Physical stress
  • Extreme cravings

Symptoms typically peak during the first 24-72 hours out from the time of last consumption.

For detox to work, recovering drug and alcohol users should undergo this process in the care of treatment professionals. Without this supervision, the cravings often overwhelm and cause the person to relapse. At Recovery Village, the clinical staff offer 24/7 supervision and support to help each patient through the challenging yet crucial process of detox.

For individuals who’ve used drugs to cope with physical pain, the discomfort could surge during detox. In many cases, the pain factor makes it impossible for addicts to go clean on their own. At Recovery Village, clinicians may administer medication to curb withdrawal symptoms and relieve any physical pain associated with recovery.

Residential Inpatient Rehab

The Recovery Village offers residential inpatient rehab. This constitutes a stay of 30-90 days at a Recovery facility. In the residential program, patients undergo treatment and therapy under the 24/7 supervision of facility staff. Residential treatment is recommended as a post-detox program for people who’ve struggled with long-term addictions to hard drugs and alcohol.

During residential treatment, patients must stay at the recovery facility. Each day is structured with activities and therapy in group and individual settings. Over the course of treatment, inpatients develop vital life skills and master healthier mindsets and habits. This prepares recovering patients for lives of sobriety in the outside world. 

As patients advance through the program, the Recovery Village hosts step-down programs that guide each patient through the transition.

Partial Hospitalization

Patients with less severe problems may opt for partial hospitalization, where they come in for treatment several times each week. This allows patients to resume their work and social obligations and also get the care they need. 

For people who complete the residential inpatient program, partial hospitalization is often the first step down. In partial hospitalization, patients partake in physical and holistic activities with like-minded peers in the program.

Intensive Outpatient

For patients who are even further along in their recovery, intensive outpatient therapy may be the most suitable option. In the intensive outpatient program, patients come to the facility for several sessions each week. 

Each session consists of therapy, activities and progress updates. Intensive outpatients are encouraged to follow the 12-step model as this helps them structure each day around productive and healthy behaviors. The consistency of this model helps recovering addicts develop new, positive, second nature habits.

Group Therapy

The Recovery Village promotes group therapy, which gives patients the chance to discuss their concerns in the company of supportive, like-minded people. In group recovery therapy, everyone has been down the dark corridors of drug and alcohol addiction. 

Regardless of how addiction takes root in the individual, each patient has his/her insights that add to the pool of useful information. Patients grow stronger together in group therapy.

Family Support

For most patients, one of the most important factors in addiction recovery is the support of family. Recover Village hosts family therapy sessions to encourage dialogue and understanding between recovering individuals and their loved ones. 

In many cases, people who resort to drugs and alcohol have trouble communicating with family members. The stigma and shame attached to addiction is often a factor in this miscommunication. Oftentimes, relatives don’t know how to properly handle the situation of drug addiction or alcoholism from a family member. 

The counselors at the Recover Village help mend the gap and foster supportive, caring dialogue between patients and loved ones. This helps pave the way for happy transitions out of residential care as recovering patients return to normal life.

Recreational Therapies

The Recovery Village promotes holistic and recreational therapies to help patients get in touch with nature and improve their physical selves. Examples include equine and canine therapy, where patients spend time with horses and dogs. Interaction with animals puts patients at peace and helps them value the beauty of life. 

Other examples of recreational therapy include yoga and music therapy, where patients stretch their limbs and open their ears and minds to notes, sounds and melodies.

Recovery Is Our Mission

The Recovery Village treatment programs are designed to make drug rehab and substance abuse treatment an easygoing experience. The medical director and staff care about what patients have to say and take proactive steps to ensure the health and safety of each client.

Recovery’s alcohol rehab offers medical detox and inpatient treatment and multiple levels of care. Former clients say the Recovery Village is the best choice they made to overcome addiction and co-occurring symptoms.

At Recovery Village treatment centers, a clinical director is closely monitoring all developments around the clock. For patients, employees at each facility offer 24-hour supervision, nursing care and therapeutic support. The Recovery Village rehab center accepts various types of insurance coverage.

If someone you know is ready to start taking proactive steps and get personalized treatment, the Village offers advanced recovery systems to ensure the health and coping skills of clients. Don’t wait another day, help is a phone call away. Get the level of care you need from Recovery Village.


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  • Treatment :
  • Insurance : Yes
  • Detox : Yes