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Dana Point Rehab Campus: Best Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Orange County

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Welcome to the beautiful shores of Orange County, California. Does someone in your family struggle with alcoholism or physical drug dependence?

Don’t fear the unknown anymore. Get help at the Dana Point Rehab Campus, a beautiful retreat on the southern California landscape.

As drug fatalities increase, California rehab campuses are more crucial than ever. In 2020, there were 2,662 drug overdose deaths in the state.

Dana Point is staffed with accredited professionals who mix science-based addiction treatment like dialectical behavioral therapy with recreational therapies. This center is Orange County’s premier detox treatment facility.

Get help now!

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Programs at Dana Point

At the Dana Point Rehab Campus, patients get science-based treatment customized to the needs of the individual.

Addiction treatment starts with detox, followed by residential treatment, counseling, activities, and education.

Drug/Alcohol Detox

On the road to recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction, detox is the first stop.

Detox begins the moment a user commits to cease all substance abuse and go sober. While this may seem easy at first, cravings and withdrawal symptoms kick in on the second and third days.

At the Dana Point Rehab Campus, the staff offers supervised detox for the following problems:

  • Alcohol People often drink to lower their inhibitions and nullify their anxiety. For some people, it’s part of the partying lifestyle. Alcohol is available everywhere, and some people lack the restraint necessary to drink responsibly in moderation. Once the drinking becomes dangerous, and the person can’t stop, it’s time for detox.
  • Opioids Downer drugs like heroin and fentanyl create a euphoric sensation in the user. Opioid drugs are addictive because they stimulate the reward center in the brain. As the user grows addicted, he/she needs higher doses to recreate the sensation. It’s almost impossible to break the chain without supervised detox.
  • Stimulants Upper drugs like speed and cocaine help people party and work nonstop. People who lead busy, hectic lifestyles sometimes get hooked on stimulants to keep pace with grueling commitments. Touring musicians — who travel city-to-city, night after night — are prime examples. 
  • Prescription DrugsNot all addictive drugs are illegal. Drugs sold at pharmacies can also be addictive if overused. Some people become addicted to prescription painkillers by exceeding the recommended dosage. This renders the medication less effective and more dangerous.

Few treatment centers in Orange County offer drug or alcohol detox with as much care and supervision as Dana Point. The Dana staff looks after each patient who enters the program. For most people, it’s difficult to halt substance abuse cold turkey. Dana Point provides the guidance people need during this challenging yet critical phase of recovery.

Inpatient Rehab Addiction Treatment

After detox, the next step in recovery is inpatient drug and alcohol rehab. The inpatient client stays at the Dana Point Rehab Campus for 30 to 90 days.

Inpatient treatment is for people who need constant medical supervision after intense periods of alcohol and/or drug abuse.

  • Medication Management – For some recovering users, one of the biggest hurdles between addiction and sobriety is the withdrawal symptoms that accompany abstinence. Dana Point Rehab nurses may administer medication to help patients overcome drug withdrawal’s physical and emotional stress. 
  • Individual Therapy – Each patient at the Dana Point Rehab Campus gets professional treatment advice from an appointed counselor. In private sessions, the patient talks about how he/she got into drugs or alcohol. Based on this info and details like usage frequency and vice triggers, the counselor customizes a treatment plan for the individual.
  • Group Therapy Sessions – Dana Point Rehab patients also meet in groups to share their thoughts, concerns, and insights as recovering individuals. When they first enter rehab, most people feel isolated due to stigmas regarding drug and alcohol addiction. Group therapy gives people a chance to open up among like-minded people on the same journey.
  • Therapeutic Activities – People who struggle with addiction tend to lack productive hobbies or thought-stimulating interests. Dana Point encourages patients to take up activities like yoga, meditation, and art forms, such as painting and drawing. These activities ease the mind, fire the imagination, and give people a sense of fulfillment.
  • Customized Lunch/Dinner – Residential inpatients at Dana Point are served healthy lunch and dinner meals. Dana Point offers a menu with customizable options for people with specific dietary boundaries (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free, etc.). Good health enhances recovery, and Dana Point encourages healthy eating habits.
  • Fitness Facilities – Good physical health is key to a productive, addiction-free life. The Dana Point Rehab Campus is equipped with a workout room and swimming pool. As patients overcome addiction during their stay, they can develop new and healthy habits like weight-lifting, swimming, and cardio exercise.
  • Personal Care Services – Residential inpatients also get the tooth work and grooming they need at the Dana Point Rehab Campus, which offers dental care and a hair salon. People feel better about themselves when they look their best and can flash a bright white smile.

Drug rehab is most effective when combined with health and fun activities.

At the Dana Point Rehab Campus, inpatients enjoy their time because they get a combination of individual counseling, group meetings, recreational therapy, and various alternative therapies.

Dual Diagnosis, Co-occurring Disorders

When patients first submit to treatment programs at the Dana Point Rehab Campus, they undergo a series of exams.

These exams are used to help campus clinicians and counselors determine the patient’s physical and mental health.

  • Physical Exam – During the physical exam, Dana Point clinicians examine the patient’s bodily health. To what extent has the individual’s drug/alcohol use impacted his/her skin, muscles, bones, and organs?
  • Psychiatric Exam – In the psychiatric exam, Dana Point counselors establish the mental effects of drug and alcohol use in each individual. Has substance abuse impacted his/her cognitive abilities?
  • Lab Tests – Based on the lab tests, Dana Point clinicians determine whether the patient has any drug-induced health problems, co-occurring disorders, or allergic reactions to certain chemicals.
  • Nutritional Evaluation – Dana Point also examines the nutritional health of each patient. Does the individual eat a healthy diet, or is he/she lacking in vital nutrients? Have prior eating habits accelerated any drug-induced health problems?
  • Medical Follow-ups – Once the patient undergoes the initial round of exams, he/she goes on a treatment plan and is given medication (if necessary). Dana Point medical staff then do follow-up evaluations to see if the plan is suitable for the individual or whether changes must be made.
  • Psychiatric Follow-ups – Dana Point counselors hold follow-up sessions with each patient to determine the individual’s progress with the treatment plan. Has the therapeutic program improved his/her mental health, or could improvements be made?
  • Family Sessions – Dana Point encourages communication between family members. A lot of patients feel estranged from loved ones. Relatives often don’t know how to handle the situation. At the Dana Point Rehab Campus, patients and their families are brought together to mend these gaps.
  • Discharge Planning – As the patient nears the end of residential treatment, Dana Point counselors plan for the individual’s discharge. What does the patient do? Where does he/she go after rehab? Dana Point helps ensure a smooth transition back to the real world for each patient.
  • Aftercare – After their time at the California rehab campus, patients get aftercare on an as-needed basis. Anyone who needs further guidance on his/her journey can always contact the center for support.

The Dana Point Rehab Campus is more than just a treatment center for drug and alcohol addiction. The Dana staff employs science-based treatment methods for co-occurring mental health problems like depression and bipolar disorder. As practiced at Dana Point, dual diagnosis therapy allows counselors to get to the root cause of addiction in each individual.

Faith-based Treatment

For some people, recovery is a spiritual journey. At the Dana Point Rehab Campus, they offer faith-based treatment methods for the spiritually inclined. This includes:

  • MeditationPatients have their time for prayer. Faith gives many patients the inner strength to resist drugs and pursue greater goals in life.
  • One-on-One Pastoral Care Patients can meet individually with a pastor for disclosure and inspiration. This gives spiritual patients an extra layer of support they might not find in secular therapy.
  • Weekly Church Service and Bible Studies Spiritual patients attend weekly church services and study the bible for inspiration. 

Spiritual treatment is such a positive way for patients to connect with the lord and one another. Faith helps recovering individuals find a better life, addiction-free.

Contact the Dana Point Treatment Center

Everyone deserves to live a happy and healthy life; Dana helps patients achieve recovery success and exit the treatment center as newly energized, sober individuals.

If someone you know is addicted to drugs or alcohol, get that person the help he/she needs by calling the Dana Point Rehab Campus today.

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  • Treatment :
  • Insurance : Yes
  • Detox : Yes