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Above and Beyond Recovery: Substance Abuse Treatment

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Does  someone in your family struggle with substance addiction? Above and Beyond Recovery offers treatment for alcoholism, drug addiction and mental health problems.

In Illinois, drugs have plagued communities across the state. In Chicago alone, there were 467 opioid-related overdose deaths during the first half of 2021.

At Above and Beyond Recovery, they treat addictions of all types. It’s the kind of family recovery center that all cities need to beat the plague of substance abuse.

Above and Beyond Recovery
2942 W Lake St
Chicago, IL 60612
Phone: 1-773-940-2960

Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

Above and Beyond Recovery covers all facets of substance abuse treatment and mental health therapy. Patients come to the family recovery center to meet in support groups and speak with individual counselors about drug addiction and mental illness. The programs offered include the following:

  • IOP and OP – Above and Beyond offers Intensive Outpatient therapy, where the patient comes in multiple times each week for one-on-one and group therapy sessions and activities. Outpatient programs consist of wellness activities and education that help prepare people for a sober life.
  • Individual Counseling – Clinicians create therapeutic alliances with each patient at Above and Beyond. The patient shares his/her history of drug and/or alcohol addiction. Together, they identify the mental health problems at root. This way, each patient gets an individualized treatment experience.
  • Trauma Group and Therapy – Support groups are crucial at all mental health and substance abuse treatment centers. At Above and Beyond, patients meet in groups, where they share their struggles, fears, progress and insights with like-minded individuals bound by the shared goal of sobriety.
  • Break the Chains Program – This program addresses the unique issues that face African Americans in their struggle for sobriety. It explores the psychological and environmental life circumstances behind addiction and helps people overcome the rampant drug use that plagues many African American neighborhoods.

The Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center is a community of doctors, counselors and patients bound by the common goals of mental and physical health. It’s a place where patients achieve sound and smart recovery and mend their relations with family members.

Emotional and Spiritual Therapy

Above and Beyond Recovery offers mental health and spiritual healing programs. In the recovery community, there’s a widely held belief that mental and spiritual recovery go hand-in-hand. For many ex-addicts, spirituality is a life-changing experience.

  • REBT – Rational Emotive Behavior Theory helps patients identify the dysfunctional subconscious beliefs that cause negative behavior patterns. With this newfound self-awareness, patients can proactively work to rewire their beliefs with more positive thoughts, ideas and actions.
  • Rage Reduction – Anger is an appropriate feeling in certain situations. When anger spills into rage, it represents a failure on the part of the individual to emotionally self-regulate. This is a huge problem for a lot of drug addicts and alcoholics. Above and Beyond holds REBT sessions that focus on rage reduction.
  • Logotherapy – A lot of people define themselves and their situation in negative terms: what they’re not; what they don’t have; what they don’t like. Logotherapy gets people to focus on positive self-definitions. This way, people are more drawn to their talents, opportunities and potential.
  • Spirituality – For some people, spirituality is a vital component of healing. Above and Beyond supports spiritualism as a part of drug and alcohol recovery. When people feel connected to a higher power, it helps them find the strength to overcome their weaknesses, unhealthy cravings and feelings of despair: all causes of addiction.

The process of overcoming alcoholism and opioid addiction involves more than willpower. The Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center gives clients different types of tools for handling pressure, weakness and temptation.

Experiential and Alternative Therapy

Above and Beyond Recovery offers alternative forms of therapy to help people overcome mental illness and drug cravings. Each person who copes with these issues has his/her background, triggers and neuro-associations. With experiential therapy and alternative practices, patients have more options for their personalized programs.

  • Music Therapy – Music engages the mind. For millions of people around the world, music is the best thing in life. A lot of musical styles (classical, jazz, sophisticated rock) have nuances, harmonies and counterpoint that are fascinating to unravel and explore in-depth. For the recovering alcoholic or drug user, music appreciation can be a healthy new pastime that replaces the stupor of intoxication.
  • Yoga Therapy – Activities that involve stretch and medication, like yoga, are good for the mind and body. Most people that struggle with addiction and mental health issues have trouble regulating their thoughts and emotions. Yoga helps people achieve states of emotional tranquility.
  • Acupuncture Therapy – In China, acupuncture has long been used as a way to stimulate the nervous system with the insertion of needles on select parts of the body. For people who are open to this type of therapy, acupuncture can be used to help ease the cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with drug and alcohol addiction.

Not many treatment facilities execute personalized programs with as much versatility as Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center. The counselors here understand that sobriety involves more than abstinence from drugs and alcohol. For people to let go of an addiction, they need positive new activities to engage the body and mind.

Life Skills Education and Aftercare

For an individual to conquer his/her addiction, it’s crucial to have coping skills for all the challenges in life. Some people resort to alcohol and drugs as solace from stress and depression. In recovery, this is referred to as maladaptive behavior. Above and Beyond helps clients overcome these problems with life-skills education and aftercare support.

  • Life Skills – When it comes to the basic challenges in life, most people who struggle with drug addiction have poor coping skills. Factors like stress, heartbreak, disappointment and occasional hardship are inevitable facts of life that all people must face at some point. Above and Beyond teaches patients how to face these factors head-on with the sober mindset of perseverance and triumph.
  • Housing – Some people have trouble landing on their feet when they re-enter society after a season in recovery. A lot of people with heavy drug and alcohol problems are at loose ends when they first enter rehab. For people who need help readjusting or have nothing to return to once they complete rehab, Above and Beyond can link them with housing in the Chicago area.
  • Employment – A lot of people with drug and alcohol problems have troubled employment histories. Some have been knocked out of their field due to prolonged behavior problems resulting from intoxication. Others scrape by on low-paying odd jobs with no security. Above and Beyond helps newly sober individuals find job opportunities once they leave rehab.
  • Harm Reduction – The Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center hosts support groups for people with destructive mental health problems. Most people who struggle with addiction are driven by negative subconscious beliefs that lead to self-harm and abusive behavior. By reversing these negative belief sets, the counselors help clients overcome their harmful impulses.

The Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center offers resources where clients can connect with housing and employment opportunities once they leave the facility. At Above and Beyond, the sense of community and support lasts forever.

Gender-Specific Treatment

At Above and Beyond Recovery, the counselors understand that men and women are drawn to drugs and alcohol for different reasons. The center offers separate male and female support groups. This gives men the insight they need from fellow recovering addicts in similar circumstances. For women, this provides a sense of comfort, safety and emotional support.

  • WFS (Women for Sobriety) – Women often drink and use drugs for emotional reasons, such as body issues, anxiety and insecurity. If a woman feels conscious about her weight, she might use drugs as a substitute for food. Drinks can be dangerous to women who binge because the female body has a lower threshold for alcohol.
  • MFS (Men for Sobriety) – Men often get into drugs to cope with stress, anger, fatigue and financial anxiety. If he works some grueling job that involves constant travel, he might get hooked on uppers to handle the ongoing demands and lack of sleep. If he’s worried about unemployment or foreclosure, he might drink or use downers to drown out his fears.

The Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center helps men and women develop social reintegrative abilities. It also rears them for employment readiness and interpersonal relationships in the real world. While meeting in recovery support groups, clients share their growth goals and personal examples of triumph over substance use.

Contact Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center

Above and Beyond Recovery Center stands apart from other treatment facilities. Here, they combine mental health counseling with sobriety, education, life skills, spiritualism and other forms of treatment. For more information, contact Above and Beyond today for your friend, partner or family member.

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  • Treatment :
  • Insurance : Yes
  • Detox : Yes